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Convert t/mojolicious/exception_lite_app.t to use subtests
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zakame committed Oct 18, 2020
1 parent bcdb061 commit 213ca3c
Showing 1 changed file with 171 additions and 121 deletions.
292 changes: 171 additions & 121 deletions t/mojolicious/exception_lite_app.t
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Expand Up @@ -126,149 +126,199 @@ get '/dead_helper';

my $t = Test::Mojo->new;

# Missing error
my $c = $t->app->build_controller;
like $c->res->body, qr/Exception!/, 'right result';
$c = $t->app->build_controller;
like $c->res->body, qr/Exception!/, 'right result';
$c = $t->app->build_controller;
like $c->res->body, qr/Exception!/, 'right result';
subtest 'Missing error' => sub {
my $c = $t->app->build_controller;
like $c->res->body, qr/Exception!/, 'right result';

$c = $t->app->build_controller;
like $c->res->body, qr/Exception!/, 'right result';

$c = $t->app->build_controller;
like $c->res->body, qr/Exception!/, 'right result';

# Debug
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=debug&message=one')->status_is(200)->content_is('debug: one');
like $log, qr/debug:one/, 'right result';
subtest Debug => sub {
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=debug&message=one')->status_is(200)->content_is('debug: one');

# Info
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=info&message=two')->status_is(200)->content_is('info: two');
like $log, qr/info:two/, 'right result';
like $log, qr/debug:one/, 'right result';

# Warn
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=warn&message=three')->status_is(200)->content_is('warn: three');
like $log, qr/warn:three/, 'right result';
subtest Info => sub {
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=info&message=two')->status_is(200)->content_is('info: two');

# Error
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=error&message=four')->status_is(200)->content_is('error: four');
like $log, qr/error:four/, 'right result';
like $log, qr/info:two/, 'right result';

# Fatal
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=fatal&message=five')->status_is(200)->content_is('fatal: five');
like $log, qr/fatal:five/, 'right result';
subtest Warn => sub {
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=warn&message=three')->status_is(200)->content_is('warn: three');

# "debug.html.ep" route suggestion
like $log, qr/warn:three/, 'right result';

# "debug.html.ep" route suggestion
subtest Error => sub {
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=error&message=four')->status_is(200)->content_is('error: four');

# Custom exception
like $log, qr/error:four/, 'right result';

# Dead template
$t->get_ok('/dead_template')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead template!/)->content_like(qr/line 1/);
like $log, qr/dead template!/, 'right result';
subtest Fatal => sub {
$t->get_ok('/logger?level=fatal&message=five')->status_is(200)->content_is('fatal: five');

# Dead template with a different handler
like $log, qr/dead template too!/, 'right result';
like $log, qr/fatal:five/, 'right result';

# Dead handler
like $log, qr/dead handler!/, 'right result';
subtest '"debug.html.ep" route suggestion' => sub {

# Dead action (with a different handler)
like $log, qr/dead action epl!/, 'right result';
subtest '"debug.html.ep" route suggestion' => sub {

# Dead included template
$t->get_ok('/dead_included_template')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead template!/)->content_like(qr/line 1/);
subtest 'Custom exception' => sub {

# Dead template with layout
$t->get_ok('/dead_template_with_layout')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead template with layout!/)
->content_like(qr/line 2/)->content_unlike(qr/Green/);
like $log, qr/dead template with layout!/, 'right result';
subtest 'Dead template' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/dead_template')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead template!/)->content_like(qr/line 1/);

# Dead action
->content_like(qr!get &#39;/dead_action&#39;!)->content_like(qr/dead action!/)->text_is('#error' => "dead action!\n");
like $log, qr/dead action!/, 'right result';
like $log, qr/dead template!/, 'right result';

# Dead action with different format
subtest 'Dead template with a different handler' => sub {

# Dead action with unsupported format
->content_like(qr!get &#39;/dead_action&#39;!)->content_like(qr/dead action!/);
like $log, qr/dead template too!/, 'right result';

# Dead action with custom exception rendering
$t->get_ok('/dead_action' => {Accept => 'text/plain'})->status_is(500)->content_type_is('text/plain;charset=UTF-8')
->content_like(qr/^dead action!\n/);
subtest 'Dead handler' => sub {

# Action dies twice
$t->get_ok('/double_dead_action_☃')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr!get &#39;/double_dead_action_☃&#39;!)
->content_like(qr/File.+lite_app\.t\", line \d/)->content_like(qr/double dead action!/);
like $log, qr/dead handler!/, 'right result';

# Trapped exception
subtest 'Dead action (with a different handler)' => sub {

# Another trapped exception
like $log, qr/dead action epl!/, 'right result';

# Custom exception handling
$t->get_ok('/custom')->status_is(200)->content_is('Custom handling works!');

# Exception in helper
$t->get_ok('/dead_helper')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead helper!/);

# Missing template
->content_like(qr/Page not found/);

# Missing template with different format

# Missing template with unsupported format
->content_like(qr/Page not found/);

# Missing template with custom rendering
->content_is('Missing template, whatever.');

# Missing template (failed rendering)
$t->get_ok('/missing_template/too')->status_is(404)->header_is('X-Not-Found' => 1)
->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8')->content_like(qr/Page not found/);

# Missing helper (correct context)
->content_like(qr/Server error/)->content_like(qr/shift-&gt;missing_helper/);

# Reuse exception
ok !$exception, 'no exception';
ok !$snapshot, 'no snapshot';
$t->get_ok('/reuse/exception')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/Reusable exception/);
isa_ok $exception, 'Mojo::Exception', 'right exception';
like $exception, qr/Reusable exception/, 'right message';
is $snapshot->{foo}, 'bar', 'right snapshot value';
ok !$snapshot->{exception}, 'no exception in snapshot';

# Bundled static files
subtest 'Dead included template' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/dead_included_template')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead template!/)->content_like(qr/line 1/);

subtest 'Dead template with layout' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/dead_template_with_layout')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead template with layout!/)
->content_like(qr/line 2/)->content_unlike(qr/Green/);

like $log, qr/dead template with layout!/, 'right result';

subtest 'Dead action' => sub {
->content_like(qr!get &#39;/dead_action&#39;!)->content_like(qr/dead action!/)
->text_is('#error' => "dead action!\n");

like $log, qr/dead action!/, 'right result';

subtest 'Dead action with different format' => sub {

subtest 'Dead action with unsupported format' => sub {
->content_like(qr!get &#39;/dead_action&#39;!)->content_like(qr/dead action!/);

subtest 'Dead action with custom exception rendering' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/dead_action' => {Accept => 'text/plain'})->status_is(500)->content_type_is('text/plain;charset=UTF-8')
->content_like(qr/^dead action!\n/);

subtest 'Action dies twice' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/double_dead_action_☃')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr!get &#39;/double_dead_action_☃&#39;!)
->content_like(qr/File.+lite_app\.t\", line \d/)->content_like(qr/double dead action!/);

subtest 'Trapped exception' => sub {

subtest 'Another trapped exception' => sub {

subtest 'Custom exception handling' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/custom')->status_is(200)->content_is('Custom handling works!');

subtest 'Exception in helper' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/dead_helper')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/dead helper!/);

subtest 'Missing template' => sub {
->content_like(qr/Page not found/);

subtest 'Missing template with different format' => sub {

subtest 'Missing template with unsupported format' => sub {
->content_like(qr/Page not found/);

subtest 'Missing template with custom rendering' => sub {
->content_is('Missing template, whatever.');

subtest 'Missing template (failed rendering)' => sub {
$t->get_ok('/missing_template/too')->status_is(404)->header_is('X-Not-Found' => 1)
->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8')->content_like(qr/Page not found/);

subtest 'Missing helper (correct context)' => sub {
->content_like(qr/Server error/)->content_like(qr/shift-&gt;missing_helper/);

subtest 'Reuse exception' => sub {
ok !$exception, 'no exception';
ok !$snapshot, 'no snapshot';

$t->get_ok('/reuse/exception')->status_is(500)->content_like(qr/Reusable exception/);
isa_ok $exception, 'Mojo::Exception', 'right exception';
like $exception, qr/Reusable exception/, 'right message';

is $snapshot->{foo}, 'bar', 'right snapshot value';
ok !$snapshot->{exception}, 'no exception in snapshot';

subtest 'Bundled static files' => sub {




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