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dps-dial.vim: Extended increment/decrement plugin


NOTICE: This plugin is work-in-progress yet. User interface is subject to change without notice.

Extended increment/decrement plugin for Vim/Neovim. Written in Deno, using denops.vim.

This plugin is a reimplementation of dial.nvim plugin for the following purposes:

  • To support both Vim and Neovim
  • For ease of development and debugging


This plugin depends on Deno and denops.vim.

Plug 'vim-denops/denops.vim'
Plug 'monaqa/dps-dial.vim'


By adding the following description to the configuration file, you can change the behavior of <C-a> and <C-x>:

nmap  <C-a>  <Plug>(dps-dial-increment)
nmap  <C-x>  <Plug>(dps-dial-decrement)
xmap  <C-a>  <Plug>(dps-dial-increment)
xmap  <C-x>  <Plug>(dps-dial-decrement)
xmap g<C-a> g<Plug>(dps-dial-increment)
xmap g<C-x> g<Plug>(dps-dial-decrement)


Increment/Decrement/Toggle Non-Numeric Strings

You can perform string operations according to the following rules:

  • Date Increase/Decrease

    • If you press 7<C-a> on 25 in 2021/08/25, you will get the date one week later, 2021/09/01.
    • For the same string as above, pressing 7<C-a> on 08, then you will get the date seven months later, 2022/03/25.
  • Toggle between camelCase and snake_case

    • You can toggle the notation (camelCase, snake_case, etc.) of identifier under the cursor.
    • You need to tweak the configuration values such as g:dps_dial#augends.
  • Switch arbitrary words

    • You can switch between words with a several number of candidates, such as ['true', 'false'] or [ 'Mon', 'Tue', ..., 'Sun' ].
    • You need to tweak the configuration values such as g:dps_dial#augends.
  • User extension

    • You can create arbitrary rule with Vim script.


Unlike the standard dot repeating in <C-a> / <C-x>, dps-dial.vim provides dot repeating with a fixed increment/decrement rule. For example, suppose you have a buffer like the following, and you want to move all due dates back one month:

date: 2020/11/08
due date of 1st report: 2020/11/23
due date of 2nd report: 2020/12/21
date of exam: 2021/01/14

In dps-dial.vim, it can be achieved by the following simple operations:

  1. Move the 11 in the first line 2020/11/08 and press <C-a> (this will change the date in the first line to 2020/12/08)
  2. Search for date and jump to the third line at date
  3. Do dot-repeat . (this will change the date in the third line to 2020/12/23)
  4. Do n.n. (the date will be incremented by one month for line 5 and 7 as well)

Note that if you press <C-a> at step3, the 1 part of 1st will be incremented. Dot-repeat remembers that the previous operation was to increment the month of the date by one, so you can skip the number 1st and just increment the date.

Configure Augend Rules

The increment/decrement is done according to the rules set in g:dps_dial#augends.

function! s:dps_dial_settings() abort
  let g:dps_dial#augends += ['boolean']
  call extend(g:dps_dial#aliases, {
  \   'boolean': {
  \     'kind': 'constant',
  \     'opts': {
  \       'elements': ['true', 'false'],
  \       'word': v:true,
  \       'cyclic': v:true,
  \     },
  \   },
  \ })

autocmd User DenopsPluginPost:dial call <SID>dps_dial_settings()

Note that if there is a buffer-local variable b:dps_dial_augends, it will be used as the configuration.

autocmd FileType python let b:dps_dial#augends = ['decimal', {'kind': 'constant', 'opts': {'elements': ['True', 'False']}}]

Specify Augend Rules with Register Name

  • If you type "x<C-a> instead of <C-a>, the increment will be performed according to the rules written in g:dps_dial#augends#register#x instead of g:dps_dial#augends.
  • If you type "1<C-a> instead of <C-a>, the behavior of subsequent dot-repeat will be cumulative. That is, each time a dot-repeat is executed, the addend is increased by one.
  • If you type "X<C-a> instead of <C-a>, the increment will be performed according to the rules written in g:dps_dial#augends#register#x instead of g:dps_dial#augends, and the behavior of subsequent dot-repeat will be cumulative.

Other Features

See vim help for a list of augend and aliases (currently only Japanese).

:help dps-dial.txt