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Consumer search for the Retirement Adviser Directory (Headerless Branch) See below for deployment instructions



Make sure all dependencies are available to the application:

npm install
npm install bower -g
bundle install
bundle exec bowndler update

Set up database

Additionally, you need to setup the database connection to the database:

$ cp config/example.database.yml config/database.yml

Be sure to remove or modify the username attribute if it needs to be, then run:

Make sure Postgres is running, then run:

bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:schema:load
bundle exec rake db:seed
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare

Production/Test Algolia Indices

If you want to consume the production indices, you need to change ALGOLIA_APP_ID and ALGOLIA_API_KEY accordingly in config/initializers/algoliasearch.rb

Google Maps API

For the firm profile maps to work, you will need to provide a Google Maps API key in .env. You can find an example at .env.example.

Google Geocoder API

For the firms search by postcode to work, you will need to provide a Google Geocoder API key in .env. You can find an example at .env.example.

Alternatively, you can stub the Geocoder to return an array of predetermined coordinates. i.e:

class Geocode
    # Geocoder.coordinates("#{postcode}, United Kingdom")
    # i.e. London
    [51.5074, 0.1278]

or set the lookup to :test and provide a stub. More info here

Sharia and Ethical Investment

The search option provides a filter for targeting sharia and ethical investment firms. These investment search options can be activated for the RAD Consumer application by setting the feature flag. You can find an example at .env.example.


Start the application:

$ bundle exec rails s

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to access the application locally.

Running the Tests

To run the RSpec tests:

$ bundle exec rspec

To run the Cucumber tests:

Some of the tests use cassettes rather than calling algolia. The env vars are in the .env.test file. Login into the algolia app using the credentials on keePassX and find the ALGOLIA_APP_KEY for the ALGOLIA_APP_ID supplied in the .env.test file.

Then run:

$ bundle exec cucumber

To run the javascript tests:

$ node_modules/.bin/karma start spec/javascripts/karma.conf.js --single-run=true


The feature/NTT_Rebased branch of rad_consumer is for mounting in AEM only. During the transition period between the MAS legacy estate and the completion of the 321 program we will have two environments for rad_consumer. The first Heroku environment, rad-consumer-production allows rad_consumer to be mounted in the MAS legacy site, and is linked to the master branch of this repo. The second environment, rad-consumer-aem-321, is linked to the feature/NTT_Rebased branch, and allows the tool to be mounted in the new moneyhelper domain. This latter branch includes all the CSS/styling for the new site. Most importantly the headers and footers have been removed.

Adding the remote for rad-consumer-aem-321

From the console navigate to your local copy of this repo and add two (new) remotes:

$ cd rad_consumer
$ heroku git:remote -a rad-consumer-aem-321 --remote rad-consumer-aem-321
$ heroku git:remote -a mas-rad-consumer-preview --remote mas-rad-consumer-preview

Verify this using the following code

$ git remote -v
  mas-rad-consumer-preview (fetch)
  mas-rad-consumer-preview (push)
  mas-rad-consumer-staging (fetch)
  mas-rad-consumer-staging (push)
  rad-consumer-aem-321 (fetch)
  rad-consumer-aem-321 (push)
  rad-consumer-production (fetch)
  rad-consumer-production (push)

Deployment process

Note that this process is for changes to rad_consumer only. If your change requires update to rad as well please refer to the deployment docs in that repo. When changes are made that apply to both the MAS and moneyhelper site you will need to merge your changes into both the master branch and the feature/NTT_Rebased branch. Create a pull request for each branch, and resolve any conflicts that occur. In order to deploy your changes you will need to push to both remotes.

Push first to the MAS staging environment:

$ git push mas-rad-consumer-staging master

Once this has built you can deploy to the AEM preview environment:

$ git push mas-rad-consumer-preview feature/NTT_Rebased:master

When your changes have been approved you can deploy to production. As before deploy to MAS first:

$ git push git push rad-consumer-production master

Once this has built you can deploy to the AEM prodiction environment:

$ git push rad-consumer-aem-321 feature/NTT_Rebased:master

Partials Removed

The NTT branch has the following partials removed from application.html.erb:

  • breadcrumbs
  • footer
  • header
  • maps_banner
  • covid_banner



As rad_consumer exists outside of the frontend project it is required that the frontend production CSS is linked to in order to inherit properties for the following elements:

  • Header Styles
  • Footer Styles
  • Layout (Constrained)
  • Colours


  1. Set up the application, run all the tests and ensure you can successfully run the application
  2. Create a feature branch.
  3. Make your changes, ensure all changes include appropriate test coverage.
  4. Run rubocop and ensure all cops pass.
  5. Push your feature branch and create a pr.

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