Notificaiton history browser Android and Desktop app. Check the original thread on twitter.
Project is currently in barebones stages, here are the todos:
- github issues/project setup
- better readme
- add licence
- ci/cd setup
- release binaries/executables for all supported platforms
- share as much code and ui between both platforms
- copy/share/export feature
- support for full text search and complex filters
- snooze/remind feature
- group notifications by channel etc
- snooze/remind feature
- both desktop and mobile notifications combined support??
- improve ip scanning function (only supports /24 subnet currently)
- improve desktop ux, make use of bigger screen real-estate
- caching at the desktop app for offline support
- create better screens
- ssl certificate on mobile server so https only requests
- auth and may be e2e encryption? as notifications data is sensitive