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A Python based 2D Game



I created this game in Python 3, using Python's pygame library. This was a semester project, so i had to create the whole game without any aid of a game making software. and in itself, the pygame library is not very good for creating games so a lot had to be manually created from scratch.

corrupt image


the game is simple. there are no levels, only an infinite vertical-scrolling background with a jet as the player. the jet is controlled with mouse movement, and mouse click fires a single bullet. the gun upgrades at a certain point in the game to a continous firing machine gun. the enemies upgrade over time, becoming bigger and harder to kill. and the player jet also upgrades over certain score intervals with a small bonus in HP.

The game has a fully working HP system, with HP boosts at certain score intervals and player death upon HP depletion. There is also a score system, with the score being displayed at the death screen


u need to have python 3 installed on your system and your device resolution must be 1366x768. that is a little inconvinient, but i did not have time to make the resolution dynamic. When installing Python 3, ensure that the "add python to path" is ticked. once installed, type the following command in the cmd : pip install pygame once the previous requirements are met, simply run the file


If hopefully i get time to work on this project again and i actually see that people are at least liking this, i already have some things i want to change in it. instead of an infinite game, i want to ad bosses at certain score intervals, along with changes with background images giving impression of level changes. apart from that, i want to add powerups, more enemies, player upgrades and i want to improve the enemy movements and firing patterns as well