LinuxCNC-RIO - rewrite
Realtime-IO for LinuxCNC
LinuxCNC-RIO is a code generator for using FPGA boards as Realtime-IO for LinuxCNC.
Furthermore, the complete configuration and hal is generated. a json configuration file serves as the basis
- no Soft-Core / logic only
- no jitter
- fast and small
- communication via SPI (with Raspberry PI 4) or Ethernet
- generated verilog-code / setup via json files (free pin-selection)
- using free FPGA-Toolchain or commercial (depends on the FPGA)
- runs on many FPGA's (like ICE40, ECP5, MAX10, Artix7, Gowin, CycloneIV, ...)
- supports Open and Closed-Loop
- multiple and mixed joint types (like Stepper, DC-Servo, RC-Servo)
THE AUTHORS OF THIS SOFTWARE ACCEPT ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY FOR ANY HARM OR LOSS RESULTING FROM ITS USE. IT IS EXTREMELY UNWISE TO RELY ON SOFTWARE ALONE FOR SAFETY. Any machinery capable of harming persons must have provisions for completely removing power from all motors, etc, before persons enter any danger area. All machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety codes, and the authors of this software can not, and do not, take any responsibility for such compliance
list of all boards: BOARDS
list of all plugins: PLUGINS
list of all toolchains: TOOLCHAINS
There are multiple ways of getting started.
if you have a Debian-Bookworm installation (e.g. from the LinuxCNC ISO or the LinuxCNC raspberry image) you can simply use this script to install all depends and the icestorm and gowin toolchain (gowin only on Intel/AMD)
wget -O- | bash
- installing via git:
git clone
cd riocore
- installing dependencies via apt:
apt-get update
apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip python3-yaml python3-graphviz python3-pyqtgraph python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtsvg python3-lxml
make sure that the toolchain matching your fpga is in the path:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/oss-cad-suite/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gowin/IDE/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intelFPGA_lite/22.1std/quartus/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/
than copy a config file that is near to your setup:
cp riocore/configs/Tangoboard/config-spi.json my_config.json
DOCKER (alternative)
Using a TangNano9k or other board supported by the open-cad-suite? Check out the docker setup for an easy to use all in one way to run the riocore ui and generator, including flashing: DOCKER
you can edit your configuration file by hand (text-editor) or using the setup tool (rio-setup):
bin/rio-setup my_config.json
after setup, you can save your configuration and generate the output-files in the setup-tool via buttons:
- Generate : generates the output-files and write it into the './Output/' folder
- Compile: compiles the Bitfile for your FPGA
- Flash: writes the new bitfile onto the FPGA
you can also do this things on your console:
bin/rio-generator my_config.json
loading: my_config.json
loading board setup: TangNano9K
writing gateware to: Output/Tangoboard/Gateware
!!! gateware changed: needs to be build and flash |||
loading toolchain gowin
writing linuxcnc files to: Output/Tangoboard/LinuxCNC
cd Output/BOARD_NAME/Gateware/
make clean all
cd Output/BOARD_NAME/Gateware/
make load
You can find all the LinuxCNC related files in 'Output/BOARD_NAME/LinuxCNC/',
to start LinuxCNC, you have to install the rio component first:
sudo halcompile --install riocore/files/rio.c
then you can start LinuxCNC with your new .ini file:
linuxcnc Output/BOARD_NAME/LinuxCNC/rio.ini
all files will be overwritte by the generator tool
if you change the .ini file by hand, for example, you should make a copy of it
if you need an additional .hal file, you can incude it in the postgui_call_list.hal
rio will not overwrite this entry's
you need the toolchain for your FPGA or in some cases the
graph LR;
Bitfile--make load-->FPGA;
├── bin ················ user tools / gui's
├── doc ················ documentation
├── dockerfiles ········ files to run the docker container
├┬─ ricore ············· main directory
|├── boards ············ board configurations
|├── chipdata ·········· pin-information about the different FPGAs
|├── configs ··········· some demo configurations
|├── files ············· helper scripts and files
|├┬── generator ········ the generators for the GateWare and LinuxCNC configuration
||├── addons ··········· generator addons for LinuxCNC (like joystick/mpg/...)
||├── pins ············· the different pin generators, used by the toolchains
||├── toolchains ······· location of the different toolchain generators
|├── modules ··········· break out board and external modules configuration
|├── plugins ··········· location of the plugins
├── tests ·············· unit tests