Releases: mxsdev/ts-type-explorer
Releases · mxsdev/ts-type-explorer
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
- api: error getting signature type arguments (732fe0d), closes #14
- api: find nearest signature recursively (ec3b53b), closes #9
- api: getParameterInfo throws error (3d0dd77)
- api: import ts as pure type (404a009)
- api: max recursion depth hit unexpectedly (b97d4de), closes #10
- api: use interface symbol as alias (4a38b19)
Bug Fixes
- api: check for optional parameters (6aa937e)
- api: fix stripped internals (2aa4761)
- api: ignore instantiated mapped type parameters (9cdaeca)
- api: implement max recursion depth (10c621e)
- api: include class implementations (955abcd)
- api: interface doesn't have alias (6857141)
- api: intersections not merging (48bd533)
- api: narrow declarations to identifier (5b8448f)
- api: not getting interface symbols (8646664)
- api: simple index info has parameter info (3b477b5)
- api: some enum literals not working (d507076)
- api: support intersections of mapped types (799f81c)
- api: support synthetic anonymous types (6fcfe62)
- class instances shouldn't go to class definitions (b5340f9)
- force type alias resolution (293b3bb)
- mapped type/signatures dont have icons (1f16913)
- prevent race condition with refresh (421a9f9)
- vscode: getQuickInfo error on startup (edda36a)
- vscode: proper icon for boolean literals (1d3a021)
- vscode: remove debug logging (ad3113d)
- vscode: support only ts files (e0c9541)
- add config options (d5f8b76)
- add prefix to type information (8d9e0a6)
- add type parameter constraint and default (79b7634)
- allow multiline printing (cd3c164)
- api: add location to index info (d064c55)
- api: add primitive kind to localized tree (2613e19)
- api: export tree info types (943b3eb)
- api: generate type tree (81b89f2)
- api: give purpose as string literal (32cb5f7)
- api: indicate properties in localized tree (349cc3b)
- api: support boolean literals (190a996)
- api: support conditional types (180a0a9)
- api: support mapped type parameters (d0c603a)
- api: support optional parameters (7dfbeb8)
- code extension scaffolding (8e011f8)
- exclude original quickinfo by default (3d7eb09)
- explorer view navigation button order (556d85e)
- include class info within class instance (d19130c)
- lazy load symbols (f078045)
- mapped type parameters (7688059)
- new logo design (8c7617f)
- remove expanded hover (fdbe26c)
- remove tsserver-plugin (2cd0c08)
- show type info for type literals (770dfba)
- support alias names (1174b6d)
- support arrays and tuples (2429fda)
- support classes & interfaces (34f1340)
- support enums & enum literals (01c0749)
- support function generics (9eecac9)
- support going to type definition (e4b6675)
- support indexes in interfaces (0f99fe8)
- support intrinsic types (802e9f5)
- support keyof and indexed access (5e67899)
- support mapped types (ee508e5)
- support named tuples (f87a0ab)
- support optional function parameters (0a7704c)
- support rest parameters (ebb5ddb)
- support type parameters in classes and type aliases (be63c2e)
- vscode: add config for icons/icon colors (e80765f)
- vscode: add icons (4ed638a)
- vscode: add search button (ef5a9e4)
- vscode: add selection lock (c1f34ff)
- vscode: add type tree view (9d18f22)
- vscode: allow disablling selection on click (c385e69)
- vscode: auto-unfold type tree root (0e3cab9)
- vscode: change view container icon (f77206c)
- vscode: conditional types (ad3cf2e)
- vscode: config for parameter, base class (ce78ef7)
- vscode: config for type parameter info (456bb7b)
- vscode: cycle through definitions ([97b5218](97b521898a8bbceec624d3c60526d...