This is a solution to the FAQ accordion card coding challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
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- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
For this project, I decided to try the bonus challenge and build the accordion with pure CSS. Although I've used CSS for years, I felt like a kid in class. It was fun to learn how to create states that would normally be done with javascript using only a checkbox and some CSS styles.
- All-CSS Toggle Switch (Checkbox Hack) - This is a codepen with an example of a toggle switch made of pure CSS. It was this codepen that inspired me to do this challenge.
- Pure CSS Accordion - A couple of examples of accordions built with pure CSS. I didn't use their code, but I was also inspired it.
- 20+ Amazing Pure CSS Accordions [Examples 2022] - More examples of pure CSS accordions for inspiration.
- Accordion UX Best Practice - This is good post about best practices for accordions - when to use them and when not to.
- Website - Natasha Pierre-Louis
- Frontend Mentor - @natashapl
- LinkedIn - natashapl