NeoDash 2.3.1
What's new in NeoDash 2.3.1? A few bug fixes, improvement of natural language queries with support of Azure Open AI V1 and parameters, Graph Vizualization relationship styling and more below!
Natural language queries
- Support of Azure Open AI (@BennuFire, #515)
- Support parameters on natural language queries (@BennuFire, #514)
Graph Visualization
- Added styling rules for relationship color (@brahmprakashMishra @BennuFire, #537)
Table Chart
- Update TableChart to use first returned row values as titles when transposed (@bastienhubert, #513)
- Fix falsy boolean display on table (@bastienhubert, #536)
Report Actions
- Fix on Style and Action modal that was preventing from setting params on low resolutions (@mariusconjeaud, #533)
- New setting for parameters selector to allow selection of multiple values instead of one + Fix multi selector on dates (@BennuFire, #535)
- Fix bug where protocol was not set properly on share links (@nielsdejong, #521)
- Update word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 (@BennuFire, #526 #527)