Releases: neo4j-labs/neodash
NeoDash 2.3.5
This is a bugfix / stability release directly following 2.3.4.
- Fixed issue where orphan relationships prevented graph charts from working (@BennuFire, #586)
- Fix issue where only one style rule was used a time on tables. (@BennuFire, #632)
- Added information about source and target on Graph Chart information modal . (@BennuFire, #627) Based on @brahmprakashMishra PR
- Fixed issue where bar charts where displaying black bars instead of scheme colors. (@BennuFire, #626)
- Added right subpath replacement on shared links redirection while in self deployments. (@m-o-n-i-s-h, #618)
- Dark theme tweaks. (@BennuFire, #585)
- Fixed parameter selector search where numbers were not found and sporadically displayed with decimal points. (@BennuFire, #633)
- Added a configuration in order to list sso providers to be used whenever a database has more than one configured. (@BennuFire, #624)
- Added 'Ignore undefined parameters' advanced setting support for optional parameters on a query. Now queries will assume a null value instead of returning the error 'Parameter not defined'. (@BennuFire, #625)
NeoDash 2.3.3 & 2.3.4
This is a bugfix / stability release directly following 2.3.2.
- Cleaned up dependencies, add lazy loading and code splitting in the bundle file for faster loading times. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Migrated all icons from Material UI to Needle icons. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Improved contrast for light and dark theme. (@nielsdejong, #545)
- Fixed issue where dashboards were locked in read-only mode, after toggling in the dashboard settings. (@nielsdejong, #545)
- Fixed issue where editing the name of a non-selected page changed the wrong page data. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Fixed issue where color picker was only working on popup selections. (@BennuFire, #579)
- Add user agent to driver session for better logging of NeoDash queries. (@nielsdejong, #545)
NeoDash 2.3.3
This is a bugfix / stability release directly following 2.3.2.
- Cleaned up dependencies, add lazy loading and code splitting in the bundle file for faster loading times. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Migrated all icons from Material UI to Needle icons. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Improved contrast for light and dark theme. (@nielsdejong, #545)
- Fixed issue where dashboards were locked in read-only mode, after toggling in the dashboard settings. (@nielsdejong, #545)
- Fixed issue where editing the name of a non-selected page changed the wrong page data. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Add user agent to driver session for better logging of NeoDash queries. (@nielsdejong, #545)
NeoDash 2.3.2
What's new in NeoDash 2.3.2? A few bug fixes, performance improvements and more important, it ships phase 2 of our migration to Needle !
Key Features:
- UI updated to use the Neo4j Design Language phase 2, giving NeoDash a similar look-and-feel to other Neo4j tools. This includes the removal of the sidebar and a complete refactor on the header component. (@mariusconjeaud,@konsalex,@BennuFire, #552)
- Experimental Support for Dark Mode.
Parameter Selector Chart
- New advanced setting 'Manual Parameter Save' allowing dashboard parameters propagation on demand (instead of automatically on change) (@BennuFire, #545)
- Fix delete button leading to inconsistent values on click. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Fix search on numbers not being triggered. (@BennuFire, #545)
- Fix performance degradation on schema calculation (@BennuFire, #555)
- Fix standalone bug that prevent user from using username and password fields(@BennuFire, #551)
- Added Sentry Support on (@mariusconjeaud, #546)
- Fix SSO redirection on editor mode (@BennuFire, #543)
NeoDash 2.3.1
What's new in NeoDash 2.3.1? A few bug fixes, improvement of natural language queries with support of Azure Open AI V1 and parameters, Graph Vizualization relationship styling and more below!
Natural language queries
- Support of Azure Open AI (@BennuFire, #515)
- Support parameters on natural language queries (@BennuFire, #514)
Graph Visualization
- Added styling rules for relationship color (@brahmprakashMishra @BennuFire, #537)
Table Chart
- Update TableChart to use first returned row values as titles when transposed (@bastienhubert, #513)
- Fix falsy boolean display on table (@bastienhubert, #536)
Report Actions
- Fix on Style and Action modal that was preventing from setting params on low resolutions (@mariusconjeaud, #533)
- New setting for parameters selector to allow selection of multiple values instead of one + Fix multi selector on dates (@BennuFire, #535)
- Fix bug where protocol was not set properly on share links (@nielsdejong, #521)
- Update word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 (@BennuFire, #526 #527)
NeoDash 2.3.0
NeoDash 2.3 is out! This release brings a brand new look-and-feel, improved speed for large dashboards, and a new extension for querying Neo4j with natural language (using LLMs).
- Write Natural Language Queries and use OpenAI to generate Cypher queries for your visualizations. (OpenAI API key required)
- UI updated to use the Neo4j Design Language, giving NeoDash a similar look-and-feel to other Neo4j tools.
- Customize branding, colors dynamically with a new Style Configuration File.
Other changes:
- Fixed issues with date picker / free-text parameter sometimes not initializing.
- Improved documentation by fixing broken links, and adding more details around complex concepts.
- Pro Extensions have evolved to open Expert Extensions.
- Fixed issue where deep-linked parameters were not set from the URL.
- Added option to specify absolute width for table columns (in pixels or as percentages).
- Fixed map charts to auto-cluster markers when they collide, or are too close together.
- ... and dozens of other improvements!
Contributors to this release:
NeoDash 2.2.5
This is a minor release with some small bug fixes, directly following the 2.2.4 release.
NeoDash 2.2.4
This release is a feature-rich package with a variety of new features and bug fixes. NeoDash 2.2.4 features new visualizations, as well as new features in existing visualization components.
Area Map - New!
- Added a new advanced chart interactive area map visualization for rendering geo json polygons. (@alfredorubin96, #401)
- Assign color scale automatically based on numeric values.
- Assign colors to countries based on Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 codes, and area codes by ISO 3166 code.
- Interactive drilldown by clicking on regions in a country.
Graph Visualization
- Added lightweight, ad-hoc graph exploration by relationship type and direction. (@nielsdejong, #401)
- Added experimental graph editing: nodes and relationships, plus creating relationships between existing nodes. (@nielsdejong, #401)
- Fixed incorrect assignment of chip colors in graph visualization footer. (@BennuFire, #296)
- Added experimental CSV download button to graph visualizations. (@JonanOribe, #288, #363)
- Fixed a bug where dashboard parameters were not dynamically injected into drilldown links. (@nielsdejong, #397)
- Added setting to customize the size of the arrow head on an edge. Set to zero to disable directional rendering. (@BennuFire, #410)
Single Value Chart
- Added support for outputting dictionaries in YML format, and rendering new lines. (@nielsdejong, #315)
Choropleth Map
- Added polygon information for missing countries: France, Kosovo, and others. (@BennuFire, #357)
Parameter Selector
- Fixed bug where the parameter selector was not using the selected database to populate results. (@BennuFire, #366)
- Added a date picker parameter selector type for natively specifying dates. (@alfredorubin96, #401)
- Added support for injecting custom queries as a populator for parameter selector suggestions. (@BennuFire, #236, #369)
Table Chart
- Added support for customizing the seperator in csv exports. (@nielsdejong, #337)
- Added support for easily configurable branding/color schemes of the editor. (@nielsdejong, #401)
- Added a new report action to switch pages based on a user interaction. (@BennuFire, #324)
- Added handler for mulitple report actions to be executed on the same event. (@BennuFire, #324)
- Integrated the official released version of the Neo4j Cypher editor component. (@jharris4, #365)
- Fixed hot-module replacement inside webpack configuration. (@konsalex, #396)
- Fixed husky pre-commit hook not triggering correctly on Windows environments. (@bastienhubert, #342)
- Add support for using complex objects in markdown, iframes and report titles. (@BennuFire, #413)
NeoDash 2.2.3
This releases fixes a small set of bugs that slipped through the 2.2.3 release, and adds some minor features:
- Added support for scatter plots by overriding a parameter in the line chart.
- Added the ability to use dashboard parameter as filters in custom parameter selector queries.
- Fixed breaking bug in parameter selector settings causing a white-screen error.
- Fixed auto-coloring of bar charts (resolved back to logic of 2.2.1 and earlier).
- Upversioned outdated dashboards and in the NeoDash Gallery.
NeoDash 2.2.2
The NeoDash 2.2.2 release is packed with a bunch of new usuability features:
- Changed the built-in Cypher editor to a brand-new CodeMirror Editor.
- Rebuilt the Parameter Select component from scratch for improved stability, performance and extendability:
- Added an optional setting to the parameter selector to display a different property from the one that is set by the selector.
- Use this to - for example - let users choose a name and set an ID for use by other reports.
- Fields no longer reset randomly when parameters are changed.
- Freetext fields are no longer slow - perform as fast as the other selectors.
- Add the option to use rule-based styling based on dashboard parameters.
- Changed rule-based styling on bar and pie charts to override color scheme instead of clear the scheme.
- Extended the Example Gallery with several new demos.
- Adding intermediate report error boundaries for improved app stability.
- Changed docker image name to
. - Improved documementation for developers.
- Fixed inconsistent styling between different pop-up screens, and fixed report title placeholders.