Add: #987 : more dev:console debug helper functions (by Christian Münch)
Add: #1000 : additional phar tests (by Christian Münch)
Imp: #957 : Exclude system_config_snapshot from stripped dumps (by Alexander Menk)
Imp: #1007 : Upgrade compatibility list for PHP versions (by Lukasz Bajsarowicz)
Imp: #1008 : Allow use of pipefail where supported (by Dan Wallis)
Imp: Change mage-os repo url and disable unstable dev build job (by Christian Münch)
Imp: Changed installation workflow starting with composer 2.3.7 (by Christian Münch)
Imp: Update 3rd party dependencies (Symfony, psysh, vfsstream, captainhook, requests lib, faker lib, phpunit, twig)
Fix: #993 : Try to drop only existing databases (by Christian Münch)
Fix: #996 : Customer Debug Functions in Dev Console Dev Helper (by Alexander Menk)
Fix: #998 : Pass empty string as default value to getFileName (by Peter Jaap)
Fix: #1015 : deprecated: passing null to dirname (by Alexander Menk).
Fix: #1019 : type error in cache-list command on php 8.1 (by Tom Klingenberg)
Fix: #1024 : config:store:get wrong filters applied (by Alexander Dite)
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