- Recreate
- Rolling Update
- Blue-Green Deployment
- Canary Release
Docker setup: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/
Kubectl installation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/
Minikube setup : https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
Yaml script basics
kubernetes basics
docker version
kubectl version
minikube version
helm version
minikube start
Terminates all existing instances of the application and creates new replicas with the updated version
in deployment configuration
replicas : 2
type: Recreate
kubectl apply -f Recreate/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f Recreate/service.yml
kubectl get pods -w
kubectl delete -f Recreate/deployment.yml
kubectl delete -f Recreate/service.yml
Gradually updates the application by replacing old replicas with new ones
replicas : 3
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 1
maxUnavailable: 1
specifies the maximum number of replicas that can be created above the desired number of replicas during the update process. In this case, it allows only one additional replica to be created at a time. -
specifies the maximum number of replicas that can be unavailable (due to termination or failure) during the update process. In this case, it allows only one replica to be unavailable at a time.
kubectl apply -f RollingUpdate/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f RollingUpdate/service.yml
kubectl get pods -w
kubectl delete -f RollingUpdate/deployment.yml
kubectl delete -f RollingUpdate/service.yml
Blue-green deployment is a deployment strategy that involves running two identical environments, one called "blue" (the currently running version) and the other called "green" (the new version). The strategy involves directing all traffic to one of the environments while the other remains idle.
kubectl apply -f Blue-Green/blue-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f Blue-Green/green-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f Blue-Green/service.yml
kubectl delete -f Blue-Green/blue-deployment.yml
kubectl delete -f Blue-Green/green-deployment.yml
kubectl delete -f Blue-Green/service.yml
Canary deployment is a deployment strategy that introduces a new version of an application to a subset of users or traffic before making it available to the entire user base. This allows you to test the new version in a controlled environment and gather feedback before performing a full rollout.
kubectl apply -f Canary/my-app-canary-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f Canary/my-app-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f Canary/service.yml
for i in `seq 1 10`; do curl; sleep 1; done
kubectl delete -f Canary/my-app-deployment.yml
kubectl delete -f Canary/my-app-canary-deployment.yml
kubectl delete -f Canary/service.yml