This repo contains notes as well as exercises of the Vanilla JS Academy.
- Day 1: Toggle Password Visibility (via checkbox)
- Day 1: Toggle Password Visibility (via icon)
- Day 3: Toggling multiple password fields
- Day 5: Toggling passwords in multiple forms
- Day 7: Character Count
- Day 9: Character and Word Count
- Day 11: Announcing the Count
- Day 13: Random Ron
- Day 15: Random Ron without duplicates
- Day 17: NYT Top Stories
- Day 19: NYT Multiple Categories
- Day 21: Sanitizing the NYT API Data
- Day 23: Monster Shuffle
- Day 25: Find the Monsters
- Day 27: Find the Monsters
- Day 29: Table of Contents
- Day 31: Table of Contents - Missing IDs
- Day 33: Table of Contents - Scope
- Day 35: Weather App
- Day 37: Weather App - Plugin
- Day 39: A Helper Library
- Day 41: DOM Manipulation Library
- Day 43: DOM manipulation library with chaining methods
- Day 45: Debugging Broken Code
- Day 47: Autosave
- Day 49: Autosave - Single Entry
- Day 51: Autosave - Other Field Types
- Day 53: API Cache
- Day 55: API Cache - Fallback
- Day 57: Countdown Timer
- Day 59: Countdown Timer - Formatted