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📚 documentation
:books: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
💡 suggestion
:bulb: suggestion
It deals with proposals regarding functionality.
🚧 wip
:construction: wip
Work in progress
👯 duplicate
:dancers: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🕵️ needs investigations
:detective: needs investigations
👀 needs review
:eyes: needs review
needs review
🔥 emergency
:fire: emergency
High priority
💎 release
:gem: release
🛠️ improvement
:hammer_and_wrench: improvement
Improve features which are working
🔒 wontfix
:lock: wontfix
This will not be worked on
🚫 Inactive (Invalid)
:no_entry_sign: Inactive (Invalid)
The contents are fraudulent and do not need to be worked on.
❓ question
:question: question
It deals with questions related to function.
🐎 enhancement
:racehorse: enhancement
Overall performance and improvement
♻️ refactor
:recycle: refactor
Review effort [1-5]: 1
Review effort [1-5]: 1
Review effort [1-5]: 2
Review effort [1-5]: 2
Review effort [1-5]: 3
Review effort [1-5]: 3
Review effort [1-5]: 4
Review effort [1-5]: 4
Pull requests that update Rust code
🆘 help wanted
:sos: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🗣️ discussion
:speaking_head: discussion
Discussion of package features
🌟 feature
:star2: feature
new feature
Status: Available
Status: Available
Items that are on standby and will be worked on; TODO
Status: Completed
Status: Completed
work completed
👍 good first issue
:+1: good first issue
Good for newcomers