Stanford CS231n final project, Spring 2022
Authors (alphabetical by last name):
- Maximilian Du
- Niveditha Iyer
- Tejas Narayanan
All data should be installed under the data
We are using the validation subset of ImageNet as our full dataset, since the full ImageNet dataset is extremely large.
To access ImageNet data, sign up for an account at Then, download
the "blurred validation images" under the "Face obfuscation in ILSVRC"
heading. This will download val_blurred.gz
. Extract this archive into
the data/val_blurred
directory. The structure should look like the
│ ...
└─ data
└─ val_blurred
└─ n01440764
└─ n01443537
└─ ...
Download Blender from
Then, open paper_gen.blend
and navigate to the Scripting tab at the
top. In the console that appears on the bottom left, enter the following
two lines to install tqdm
, a progress bar library:
>>> import pip
>>> pip.main(['install', 'tqdm'])
Replace the constants DATA_PATH
on your computer's file path. Finally, run the file by pressing the run
button on the menu bar of the code editor area.