The overarching vision of NMFS Open Science is to support scientists, developers, resource managers and policy analysts within NOAA Fisheries (NMFS) in fulfilling NOAA’s Open Science mandates ( NOAA Data Strategy, DOC Open Source Code Policy, Open Access Policies, and the Evidence Act ) and improving efficiency in data science workflows. Delivering on this ambitious vision requires actively supporting staff in transforming to reproducible workflows and work products that will promote timely, transparent, and accessible data-driven science and decision-making. Such transformation calls for both increased collaboration across offices and regions towards shared scientific data science tasks and expanded support of open science, open data, and open source communities and initiatives within NOAA Fisheries. NMFS Open Science works to support staff to authentically address the barriers they face in modernizing their data science pipelines and workflows.
- Support Open Science and Open Data literacy across NOAA Fisheries
- Identify staff training needs and facilitate access to this training (via our partners, advertising events, and organizing training)
- Support R, Python, GitHub, Posit Connect, and Open Science user groups and communities
- Facilitate collaboration and exchange on open science tools and products
- Identify technical, administrative and other barriers that staff face in transitioning to open science and take a leadership role in finding and implementing solutions
NMFS Open Science lead: Eli Holmes, PhD. NOAA Fisheries,
NMFS Open Sci Resources: Vision ❖ Resource Book ❖ NMFS GitHub Guide ❖ GitHub repo templates ❖ NMFS GitHub orgs ❖ NMFS Open Science (NOAA internal) ❖ NMFS GitHub Governance Team (NOAA internal)
NMFS Openscapes | NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox | NOAA Fisheries Integrated Modeling System | NMFS R User Group |
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NOAA Fisheries is partnering with Openscapes to provide team-based training in reproducible workflows. Openscapes’ training helps teams transition to robust, inclusive, and enduring science- and data-driven solutions to global and time-sensitive challenges. | The NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox (NOAA FIT) is an interdisciplinary, web-based portal of operational tools that can be used for a variety of applications, including stock assessment modeling, forecasting, and data preparation for fish and protected species, as well as economic and ecosystem modeling. | The NOAA Fisheries Integrated Modeling System is a software system designed and architected to support next-generation fisheries stock assessment, ecosystem, and socioeconomic modeling. Users and developers are welcome to submit feedback using Github issues. | The NMFS R User Group supports R users across NOAA Fisheries. We host monthly meetings on topics of interest and we have an active Google Space for questions and event announcements. |