Provision federated (or single-node) reference deployment architecture of Apache Airflow (RabbitMQ, Postgres), via lightweight single-source-of-truth installer. Heavy lifting/CI by Saltstack-formulas community.
primary: user: main\airflowservice - Active Scheduler, UI, worker
secondary: user: main\airflowservice - Standby Scheduler, UI, worker
worker01/02: apples, applesdev, applestest
worker01/02: oranges, orangesdev, orangestest
worker01/02: edge
worker01/02: fog
~/airflow-component/ | tee ~/iac-installer.log
Declare your configuration in sitedata.j2
Commission your infrastructure inline with our infra ticket guidelines
Logon as airflowservice on each participating host and user.
Ensure proxy is published ~/.bashrc and ~/airflow-component/ files if applicable:
export HTTP_PROXY="http://myproxy:8080"
export HTTPS_PROXY="http://myproxy:8080"
export http_proxy="${HTTP_PROXY}"
export https_proxy="${HTTPS_PROXY}"
export no_proxy="localhost,*.net"
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin
Plan to deploy primary/secondary hosts before workers.
Optionally wipe data on any-all servers before reinstall. Normally this is not needed!!
sudo rm -fr ~/.local /var/lib/rabbitmq/ /var/log/rabbitmq/ /usr/lib/systemd/system/rabbitmq-serv* /usr/lib/systemd/system/airflow-* /etc/rabbitmq/ /var/lib/pgsql /srv/salt && sudo reboot
Logon as airflowservice on participating hosts and users. Get the software: For hosts without network connectivity to your git (i.e. from fog), use another method, i.e. sftp, see SUPPORT
cd && rm -fr airflow-component airflow-dags
for name in component dags; do
git clone${name}
done && cd ~/dags && rm -fr * && cp -Rp ../airflow-dags/dags/* .; chmod +x $( find . -name *.py)
On each participating host (begin with primary/secondary), install Airflow. Duration is ~15-30mins depending on compute resources:
~/airflow-component/ | tee ~/iac-installer.log
Note, the installation summary may indicate failures. Evaluate result as follows. For failures see SUPPORT
- Success if 0 task fails: cluster join worked too. OK!
- Success if 1 task fails: cluster join is best effort, other node was not ready (race condition). OK!
- Retryable if >1 task fails: sometimes the 2nd attempt just works! NOK!
- All other outcomes are failures.
Import variables:
airflow variables import ~/airflow-dags/variables.json
- (user/pass: airflow/airflow or custom)
- (user/pass: ditto)
- (user/pass: airflow/airflow)
- (user/pass: airflow/airflow)
- http://[worker-ipaddr]:15672 (user/pass: airflow/airflow)
Celery Flower:
- http://[worker-ipaddr]:5555