#Bandwidth 0.0.1 Test your bandwidth by downloading an image. Bigger image is more accurate.
##Usage set attribute data-bandwidth="the-file-to-test-with.jpg"
<img src="dome/url/to/image.png" data-bandwidth="the-file-to-test-with.jpg">
/* and/or */
$('[data-bandwidth$=".jpg"]').on('bandwidth', function (event, bandwidthData){
// Do your stuff here
callback: function,
setImage: true/false
mbps: "9.92",
kbps: "10159.90",
bps: "10403741.94",
duration: 0.062,
bits: 645032
##Events When bandwith has foud out the speed, a 'bandwidth' event will be thrown.
###"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 43): https://github.com/kristofer- wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. /Kristofer
####If a callback is defined Result JSON will be returned to that callback.
####If callback is NOT defined The target (image) element will get the data-bandwidth attribute set to that JSON.
####If setImage is set to true Then the image source will be set to the value that the data-bandwidth attribute has.