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Fixed Podcast Player

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Web Component for a sticky audio player and its Play button.



1. Include the assets

Adjust the paths below as needed—the ones below are the ones used by the demo in the index.html file:

<!-- Podcast Player Assets (CSS, JS, SVG) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" class="fpp" href="./assets/build/podcast-player.min.css">
<script src="./assets/build/podcast-player.min.js" type="module"></script>
<link rel="icon-sprite-sheet" class="fpp" href="./assets/icons.svg">
Icon sprite sheet? (the 3rd asset above)

The <link rel="icon-sprite-sheet"> above sets the URL for the SVG sprite sheet used for the icons.

This can be omitted from here if setting the following attribute on the <podcast-player> element:

2. Add the <podcast-player> element

Example 1: Basic Usage

Note the data-title and data-thumb attributes on the element:

<podcast-player data-title="Episode Title" data-thumb="thumbnail.jpg">
  <a class="show-and-play" href="audio.mp3">

Also note the audio source (i.e. the mp3 URL) in the href of <a class="show-and-play">

Example 2: Change the Pause and Resume text

You can also set the text for each state of the button with this more explicit markup:

<podcast-player data-title="Episode Title" data-thumb="thumbnail.jpg">
  <a class="show-and-play" href="audio.mp3">

Example 3: Define the button text + icons

Or set the text and the icon (from the assets/icons.svg sprite sheet) used for each state of the button:

<podcast-player data-title="Episode Title" data-thumb="thumbnail.jpg">
  <a class="show-and-play" href="audio.mp3">
    <span icon-name="play-circle-solid">Play</span>
    <span icon-name="pause-circle">Pause</span>
    <span icon-name="play-circle">Resume</span>

Example 4: Using a <button> element

If you'd like the button to be a button element and not a link:

<podcast-player data-src="audio.mp3" data-title="Episode Title" data-thumb="thumbnail.jpg">
  <button class="show-and-play" type="button">Play</button>

Note the data-src attribute that is now used for the audio source.

Attributes for the <podcast-player> element

Attribute Default Description
data-title "" The title of the episode
data-thumb "" The URL to the thumbnail image
data-position "bottom" The position of the player: top or bottom
data-variation "" Player will not touch the edge on large screens if set to floating
show-on "scroll" The button event that triggers the player to show: scroll (when the button is scrolled into view for the first time), click, load, or hover
data-src undefined Set this value to the audio URL if not using a link with a href (e.g: if using a button element)
svg-base undefined Setting this to the URL of the SVG sprite sheet allows you to omit <link rel="icon-sprite-sheet"> from the assets (see 1. Include the assets above).

Overridable CSS Variables

You can add variables to your CSS to override the default values.

For example, you can easily change the color of the Play button and the intensity of the player's gradient background:

:root {
  --pp-hue: 205deg;
  --pp-sat: 35%;
  --pp-lig: 40%;
  --pp-gradient-hue-difference: 15deg;
Variable Default Description
--pp-offset-top 0px Account for any sticky header or navigation
--pp-offset-top-small 0px Account for any sticky header or navigation on small screens
--pp-content-width 40rem The "content" width of the player
--pp-radius 1.25rem / 1rem The border radius of the player. The x / y format means the corners will be more oval (when x is different from y) instead of circular
--pp-offscreen-radius 3px The player's border radius for the corners touching the top or bottom edges of the screen.
--pp-hue 205deg The hue of the base color
--pp-sat 35% The saturation of the base color
--pp-lig 40% The lightness of the base color
--pp-gradient-hue-difference 15deg The difference in hue between the two colors of the player's background gradient
--body-offset-for-player 110px Extra padding for the body (at the top or at the bottom) to make space for the player

Build Commands

Install (if not done yet) and run the dev command (asset watch only, no server):

pnpm install
pnpm run dev

Build only command (no watch):

pnpm run build