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Vector similarity search for libSQL and Turso.

npm install libsql-vector


Initializing the Index

import { createClient } from "@libsql/client";
import { Index } from "libsql-vector";

const client = createClient({ url: "file:vector.db" });
const vectorIndex = new Index(client, {
  tableName: "my_vectors", // optional, defaults to 'vector_index'
  dimensions: 384,
  columns: [
    { name: "title", type: "TEXT" },
    { name: "timestamp", type: "INTEGER" },
  debug: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production", // optional, defaults to false

// Initialize the index (creates table and index if they don't exist)
await vectorIndex.initialize();

Upserting Vectors

const vectors = [
    id: "1",
    vector: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3 /* ... up to 384 dimensions */],
    title: "Example Document 1",
    id: "2",
    vector: [0.4, 0.5, 0.6 /* ... up to 384 dimensions */],
    title: "Example Document 2",

await vectorIndex.upsert(vectors);

Querying Vectors

const queryVector = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4 /* ... up to 384 dimensions */];

// Basic query
const results = await vectorIndex.query(queryVector, { topK: 5 });

// [
//   { id: '1', score: 0.95, title: 'Example Document 1', timestamp: 1631234567890 },
//   { id: '2', score: 0.82, title: 'Example Document 2', timestamp: 1631234567891 },
//   ...
// ]

// Query with filter
const filteredResults = await vectorIndex.query(queryVector, {
  topK: 5,
  filter: "timestamp > 1630000000000",

// Query including vector data
const resultsWithVectors = await vectorIndex.query(queryVector, {
  topK: 5,
  includeVectors: true,

// [
//   {
//     id: '1',
//     score: 0.95,
//     title: 'Example Document 1',
//     timestamp: 1631234567890,
//     vector: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]
//   },
//   ...
// ]

Listing Vectors

// List vectors with default options
const result = await vectorIndex.list();

// {
//   items: [
//     { id: '1', metadata: { title: 'Example Document 1', timestamp: 1631234567890 } },
//     { id: '2', metadata: { title: 'Example Document 2', timestamp: 1631234567891 } },
//     ...
//   ],
//   nextCursor: '10'
// }

// List vectors with custom options
const customResult = await vectorIndex.list({
  cursor: "10",
  limit: 5,
  includeVectors: true,
  includeMetadata: false,

// {
//   items: [
//     { id: '11', vector: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...] },
//     { id: '12', vector: [0.4, 0.5, 0.6, ...] },
//     ...
//   ],
//   nextCursor: '15'
// }

Retrieving Vectors

// Retrieve a single vector
const vector = await vectorIndex.retrieve("1");

// {
//   id: '1',
//   vector: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...],
//   metadata: { title: 'Example Document 1', timestamp: 1631234567890 }
// }

// Retrieve multiple vectors
const vectors = await vectorIndex.retrieve(["1", "2"]);

// [
//   {
//     id: '1',
//     vector: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...],
//     metadata: { title: 'Example Document 1', timestamp: 1631234567890 }
//   },
//   {
//     id: '2',
//     vector: [0.4, 0.5, 0.6, ...],
//     metadata: { title: 'Example Document 2', timestamp: 1631234567891 }
//   }
// ]

// Retrieve without vector or metadata
const vectorWithoutDetails = await vectorIndex.retrieve("1", {
  includeVector: false,
  includeMetadata: false,

// { id: '1' }

API Reference

new Index(client, options)

Creates a new vector index.

  • client: A libSQL client instance
  • options: Configuration options
    • tableName: Name of the table to store vectors (default: vector_index)
    • dimensions: Number of dimensions in your vectors
    • columns: Additional columns to store with each vector
    • debug: Enable debug logging (default: false)


Initializes the index, creating the necessary table and index if they don't exist.


Inserts or updates vectors in the index.

  • vectors: An array of vector objects, each containing:
    • id: Unique identifier for the vector
    • vector: Array of numbers representing the vector
    • Additional properties corresponding to the columns defined in the index options

index.query(queryVector, options)

Performs a similarity search.

  • queryVector: Array of numbers representing the query vector
  • options:
    • topK: Number of results to return
    • filter: SQL WHERE clause to filter results (optional)
    • includeVectors: Whether to include vector data in the results (default: false)

Returns an array of results, each containing the vector's id, similarity score, and additional columns.


Lists vectors in the index with pagination.

  • options:
    • cursor: Pagination cursor (optional)
    • limit: Number of items to return (default: 10)
    • includeVectors: Whether to include vector data in the results (default: false)
    • includeMetadata: Whether to include metadata in the results (default: true)

Returns an object with items array and nextCursor for pagination.

index.retrieve(ids, options)

Retrieves one or more vectors by their IDs.

  • ids: A single ID or an array of IDs
  • options:
    • includeVector: Whether to include vector data in the results (default: true)
    • includeMetadata: Whether to include metadata in the results (default: true)

Returns a single vector object or an array of vector objects.




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