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Trello (AI Integration Clone)

This is a Trello clone that uses OpenAI as a personal assistant. You can add, delete and search for tasks, as well as move them to different columns within your board.


App Preview

Getting Started

Firstly, install the dependencies for the project.

npm  install

# or

yarn  install

You will need to create a .env file and populate the project environment variables.

You can then run the development server:

npm  run  dev

# or

yarn  dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Environment Variables Setup

This project uses environment variables to connect to the Appwrite database and authorise the API calls to OpenAI. You will need the follow environment variables set up in your local for this application to work.

Variable Where to find it?
Appwrite Project ID NEXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_PROJECT_ID This is found when setting up the appwrite project.
Appwrite Database ID NEXT_PUBLIC_DATABASE_ID Found when setting up the database in the above project.
Appwrite Todo Collection ID NEXT_PUBLIC_TODOS_COLLECTION_ID The ID for the Todo collection created in the Appwrite database.
Storage Bucket ID NEXT_PUBLIC_STORAGE_BUCKET_ID The ID for the storage bucket, created from Appwrite.
Open AI Secret Key OPENAI_API_KEY Create a secret key in OpenAI Api.