Recipe Finder is a web application that allows users to search for recipes based on ingredients, cuisine, preparation time, and dietary restrictions. Users can also save their favorite recipes and add new recipes to the database.
- Search recipes by ingredients
- Filter recipes by preparation time, cuisine, and dietary restrictions
- View detailed recipe information including ingredients, procedure, and ratings
- Add new recipes to the database
- Save favorite recipes (requires login)
- User authentication system
- Text-to-speech functionality for recipe procedures
- JavaScript
- IndexedDB for client-side storage
You can view the live website at:
To run the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open
in your web browser to start using the application.
- Clone the repository:
: Main HTML filestyle.css
: CSS styles for the applicationscript.js
: Main JavaScript file handling recipe search and UI interactionsutil.js
: Utility functions for creating cards, managing login state, and handling favoriteslogin.js
: Handles user authentication and login/logout functionality
- Search for recipes by selecting ingredients and applying filters.
- Click on a recipe card to view detailed information.
- Log in to save favorite recipes and add ratings.
- Use the "Add Recipe" button to contribute new recipes to the database.