Normalize.css makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It precisely targets only the styles that need normalizing.
CSS: cascading style sheet
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) CSS Working Groups:
Inline : <h1 style="background:red;"></h1>
Internal: adding css in head <style>h1{color:red}</style>
Extenal : <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
Custom/Default fonts in your browser: Browser preference->customize fonts
We can use serif,sans-serif or monospace.
we can rely on these value as all browser has default font store for this value.
We can also use google fonts. add link to head section of page customize font-family for the selector
Float actually take the element out of the document flow. The space of the element will not be reserved. block level element will take its space and inline element from below element which takes its place will wrap around it
clear: both; // to clear both left and right float
Elements: h1 p body html
classess: .container
ID : #red-box
universsal: *
Attributes: [disabled] //<button diabled></button>
Attribute Selector:
- Element with attribute:
[type] {
<input type="text">
- Element with specific attribute value:
[type="email"] {
<input type="email">
- Element with specific attribute value in list:
[lang~="en-us"] {
<p lang="en-us en-gb">Hi</p>
/* here list containe en-us and en-gb*/
- Element with specific attribute value prefix:
[href^="#"] {
<a href="#all">Link</a>
- Element with specific attribute value suffix:
[href$=".de"] {
<a href="">Link</a>
- Element with atleast one attribute value:
[src*="cdn"] {
<img src="">
- case insensitive:
[src*="cdn i"] {
<img src="">
if we apply any style in body, then it will bubble down to all the element inside the body.
But the specificity is very low. Even the browser has greater specificity than inheritance
To increase the specificity of inheritance:
Margin Collapsing:
When two elements define their margin(4px and 6px) then CSS will not consider both of their margin and create 10 px, rather bigger one will win that is 6px margin will be created.
Unless we use margin-bottom or top to specifically define the margin
box-sizing: defining height and width of element by default change the dimension of content, but we can change it to include padding and border also.
the visible part/area of your page. Or your browser window
defines the alignement of content
The Stack Overflow answer by OldSkool for this question provides a good explanation:
- Basically blocks force line breaks,
- inline elements can have left and right margins but allow elements to sit left to right, and
- inline-block elements are a hybrid that allow elements to sit left to right, but respect height and width of elements along with all margins.
inline- width is limited to content. multiple element in one row, therefore cannot change margin and padding
block - each element will have their own line. Take full length
inline-block - take property of both. Items are in a line bu now we can change margin and padding
none: will be part of DOM but not visible.
visibility: hidden and display:none
if visibility is hidden, the space taken by the element will remain taken while in display the space of element will taken by the next element
Inline -> <a> , <span> , <img>
block -> <div> , <section> , <article> , <nav> but also <h1> , <h2> etc and <p>
You can read a more detailed article (which also includes a YouTube video about HTML at the top of the page) here:
Here's the executive summary:
Block-level elements are rendered as a block and hence take up all the available horizontal space. You can set margin-top and margin-bottom and two block-level elements will render in two different lines.
Some examples are: <div> , <section> , <article> , <nav> but also <h1> , <h2> etc and <p> .
Inline elements on the other hand only take up the space they require to fit their content in. Hence two inline-elements will fit into the same line (as long as the combined content doesn't take up the entire space in which case a line break would be added).
They also use the box-model you learned about but margin-top and margin-bottom have no effect on the element. padding-top and padding-bottom also have a different effect. They don't push the adjacent content away but they will do so with the element border. You can read more about that behavior in the following article:
Additionally, setting a width or height on an inline element also has no effect. The width and height is auto to take as much space as required by the content.
Logically, this makes sense since you don't want your inline elements to destroy your multi-line text-layout. If you want to do so or need both block-level and inline behavior, you can set display: inline-block to merge behaviors.
Some example elements are: <a> , <span> , <img>
Pseudo Classes on the MDN:
Dive deeper into Pseudo Elements:
pseudo class defines the style of a special state of an element
### :className
there shold be no spacing before and after ':'
Pseudo Element defines teh style of a specific part of an element
### ::elementName
border:1px solid black !important
the style with important marked will have the highest specifity
a:not(.active){ select anchor without active class} :not(p){rules will applied to everyehere except p}
static ->
*Positionin top or other doesnot work here
*z-index does not work
absolute: other element(html or parent)
* takes the element out of the document flow
* position context will be html if no parent has any positon defined
* If any parent has position defined, than that parent will be the position context
relative: itself
* element is not taken out of document flow
* defining the top and left in the element it will move in context to its own postion in document
defining this property in parent and then giving child relative property will make child invisible if we postion if out of parent area
** Defing overflow:hidden in body will simply pass the property of html and save for itself.
** Define overflow property to html also, then it will not pass on to html from body
fixed : viewport
* takes the element out of document flow
* change the display to inline-block
* positioning context will be viewport
//for navigation bar
sticky: viewport and parent
* combination of fixed and absolute
* element will remain fixed wrt viewport if we scroll
* as soon we scroll down and element is at 20 px from top, it will stuck there until parent element is moved up.
Stacking context:
* if we have two parent, parent-1 has z-index:1 and parent-2 z-index:30,
then no matter how much z-index we give to children of parent-1, they will never
be above parent-2, because stacking context of children is of parent-1.
We can stack multiple images on top of each, For eg: gradient with transparancy then image for effect. background is actuall a shorthand. We can use multiple option with background. such as:
- background-image : set one or more background images
- backgrouns-color : ser background color
- backgrouns-size : set background size
- backgrouns-repeat : set background images repeatation
- backgrouns-clip : define whether background extends underneath border
- backgrouns-attachment: set scrolling behavior of background image
- backgrouns-origin : set background positioning area
- backgrouns-position: set initial position relative to background position layer
background-image:linear-gradient(to left bottom, red blue)|linear-gradient(30 deg, red 70% ,blue, green)
background-image:radial-gradient(circle at top left 30% 20% ,red,blue,green)
background-size:100px|100%|width height|100% 50%
background-size:cover ->adjust dimensin automatically, crop image if needed
background-size:contain ->make sure to show full image, no croppig, even if white space is left
background-position:left top right bottom|0% 0% ->no cropping at left and top| 50% 50% ->equal cropping from all side
We can add filter to our background images:
/* URL to SVG filter */
filter: url("filters.svg#filter-id");
/* <filter-function> values */
filter: blur(5px);
filter: brightness(0.4);
filter: contrast(200%);
filter: drop-shadow(16px 16px 20px blue);
filter: grayscale(50%);
filter: hue-rotate(90deg);
filter: invert(75%);
filter: opacity(25%);
filter: saturate(30%);
filter: sepia(60%);
/* Multiple filters */
filter: contrast(175%) brightness(3%);
/* Use no filter */
filter: none;
/* Global values */
filter: inherit;
filter: initial;
filter: revert;
filter: unset;
- Images by default does not fix there size according to parent element
- We need to make parent element block or inline-block and then make 100% to contain them in parent
Generic Families | Font Families | Font Families |
Serif | Times new Roman | Georgia |
sans-serif | Hevetica | Verdana |
cursive | Brush script | Mistral |
monospace | Courier New | Lucida Bright |
fantasy |
Two ways of importing fonts from google:
- connecting with html inside link tag href="" rel="stylesheet"
- importing in css @import url('');
font-family: "anonPro";
src: url(../asset/anonPro.ttf);
font-diaplay:block|swap|fallback|optional //helps to load custom fonts or fallback fonts
font-family: "anonPro";
src: url(../asset/anonPro-bold.ttf);
unit | Symbol | Detail |
pixel | px | Absolute (user settting doesn't affect it) |
rem | root em | Adjust to default font-size relative to browser setting |
em | em | Adjust to default font-size relattive to parent font |
vh | viewport height | Adjust to current viewport |
vw | viewport width | |
vmin | min of height or width whichever is less | |
vmax | max of height or width whichever is more | |
percentage | % | check below points for details |
position:fixed -> relative to viewport
position:absolute-> relative to parent+padding with postion != static
position:relative-> relative to block level parent (no padding)
position:static-> relative to block level parent (no padding) |
If height if of body is not defined, than its direct child element will not be able to inherit the height. Therefore to resolve this, we need to define height in body as well as in html.
- by default font sizes are maintained by browser, unless we define the the size.
- If we define the size in pixel, them if we user increase the default font size in browser, it will not affect the text size
- Hardware pixel -> A hardware pixel is an individual dot of light in the display.
- Software pixel -> Also called a CSS pixel in the web world, is a unit of measurement. The device manufacturer determines how many hardware pixels equals one software pixel, a concept known as the device pixel ratio.
Basically Inch is equal to 96px, but mobiles have higher pixel density and this rule does not work therefore they tweak it. This results in a website which are not responsive and give same design as shown in PC.
To overcome to this we neet to add viewport as scale rather then jsut pixel, so that device can adjust their
<meta name="viewport" content="width=devide-width, initail-scale=1.0">
"viewport" -- property name
content="width=device-width, -- defining to use device width instead of pixel
initail-scale=1.0", -- initial zoom level
maximum-scale=2.0, -- maximun zoom level
minimum-scale=0.5, -- minimum zoom level
user-scalebale=yes -- user will able to change zoom
- transform: rotateZ(45deg) translateX(10rem) translateY(10rem)
- transform-origin:center|top left| 0 0| 25% 50%| #defines center of rotation
- transform: skewX(20deg)|skeyY(20deg)|skew(20deg)//affects only-X|skew(20 deg 20 deg)//for both
- transform: scale(1.5)
- transform: perspective(1000px) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(80deg) // how far are we with the element
- We can also set perspective in container and set rotation in element
- perspective:1000px
- perspective-origin:500px
- transform-style:flat|preserve-3d
- backface-visibility: hidden
.container {
margin: 150px auto;
border: 1px solid black;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
perspective: 1000px;
perspective-origin: 500px;
.box {
background: red;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
transform: rotateX(30deg) rotateY(80deg) rotateZ(30deg);
color: white;
font-family: sans-serif;
text-align: center;
<div class="container">
<div class="box">
##Transitioin and animation
transition: opacity 200ms ease-out, transform 500ms ease-in;
- on parent set property display:flex -> makes parent = Flex container -> children= Flex Items
- we can use display:flex or display:inline-flex to create Flex container
this will automatically add two properties:
flex-direction: row
flex-wrap:nowrap -
Main and cross axis
main axis (flex-dirextion:row)-> ROW -> starts (0,0) moves to (x,0)
cross axis(flex-dirextion:row)-> column -> starts (0,0) moves to (0,y)
- align-items: if direction row -> give proper spaces in y axis
- justify-content: if direction row -> give proper spaces in x axis
- align-content: spaces between item center
justify-content: center | flex-start |flex-end |space-between
align-content: center
align-items:stretch(default)| center | flex-start |flex-end
order: 0(default) //item with higher order will be at end
flex-grow:1 //allow to grow item if extra space in parent. it 2 item has flex-grow space will be divided in the ratio
flex-shrink:1(default) // if all have same value all will shrink in same ratio. value 0 will not let shrink
flex-basis: 200px // refers to width if direction is row otherwise height
align-self: similar to align-item, but works only single item
flex:0 1 auto (0->row direction shrink basis->auto(provided height or width) )
- First of all set -> display:grid
- By default grid create one column and multiple rows for direct children
- By default elements are aligned column wise
- grid-template
- grid-template-columns -> create columns according to size provided
- grid-template-columns: repeat(4,25%) -> creating 4 column of equal width
- grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill,10rem) -> dynamically genearate columns
- grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit,10rem) -> genaerate col and align to center
- grid-template-rows -> create rows according to size provided
- grid-template-rows:5rem minmax(10px 100px) - > create 2 rows 1 fix, another with min 10px and max 100 height
- grid-template-rows: 3.5rem auto fit-content(8rem)
- fit-content(8rem) // minimum 8 rem, groe accoding to content
- grid-template-area: let say we have defined 4 columns and 3 rows. now we can define grid area using below in container.
- grid-area: we can use define area template to place elements.
.container {
grid-template-rows: 5rem 2.5rem auto ;
grid-template-columns: 200px 2fr 20% 1fr;
grid-template-areas:"header header header header" // all 4 column is named haeder
". . main main" // 2 col is not named anything
"footer footer footer footer"; // all 4 column is named footer
grid-area:header // take first row
grid-area:main // take last two col of second row
grid-column-start: start of column-end
grid-column-end: end of the column
grid-row-start: start of row
grid-row-end: end of row
grid-gap: row column
- grid-auto-rows:auto(default)|12rem|minmax(12rem auto) -> grid auto generate rows if content are more than defines rows. We can set the height of these rows
- grid-auto-columns:5rem
- grid-auto-flow:row(default)|column|row dense -> create new row/column in case of new content
- If we define 3 column and 2 item has span of 2 then 3 column will be empty and next item will take 2 column of next row. grid-auto-flow:row dense helps to resolve this issue ans assign next available item in 3rd column.
.container {
grid-template-rows: 5rem 2.5rem auto
// defines the first and second row height
// third one will take full height if arent height is defined
// otherwise accordign the content in the row
grid-template-columns: 200px 2fr 20% 1fr
// 200px fixed
// 2fr 2 portion of remaining space
// 20% 20% of parent width
// 1fr 1 portion of remaining space
.element3 {
//this will make element-3 to take 2 columns starts at 3 and end before 5 (20% and 1fr)
// similarly below
grid-column-end:span 2;
//this will make element-3 to take 2 columns starts at 3 and occupy 2 cells(20% and 1fr)
//this will make element-3 to take start from 1 and end last from right. we can also go for -2
//this will make element-3 to take 2 rows
Shorthand for grid start and end:
grid-column: 1 / -1
grid-row: 1/ span 2
Shorthand for both column and row (grid)
grid-area:row-start / column-start / row-end / column-end
- element which are not part of document flow(position fixed or absolute) are not part of grid *
configure these setting in container to affect all items
justify-items: stretch(default)|center|start|end // start|end|center of the row x-axis
align-items: stretch(default)|center|start|end // start|end|center of the column y-axis
justify-content: start(default)|center|end // position the whole grid container x-axis
align-content: start(default)|center|end // position the whole grid container y-axis -
configure these setting to child element to affect only the one child
- We can use @media (max-width 40rem) to define new grid-template-areas for mobile devices.
- We dont need to change anything else, as side bar has new row now and element are refering to side bar and therefore they will align accordingly
.container {
grid-template-rows: 5rem 2.5rem 2.5rem auto
grid-template-columns: 200px 2fr 20% 1fr
grid-template-areas:"header header header header"
"main main main main"
"side side side side"
"footer footer footer footer"
- grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill,10rem) -> dynamically genearate columns, we do not need to specify the number of colums
- grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit,10rem) -> genaerate col and align to center . If we have only 2 col generated it will align it to center and if 3 comes , it will align them accordingly
SASS ->no semicolon and curly braces but intendations
SCSS -> syantax is same as css
syntactically awesome style sheets-> compiled to normal css for production
some prop
some prop
some prop
some prop
at top:
$main-color: #521751
We can save variable which has more than one variable
#List eg
$border-def:0.05rem solid $mail-color;
#map eg:
$color:(main: #212121,secondary:345632);
$border-def:0.05rem solid map-get($color,mail);
- map-get($color,main);
- lighten(map-get($color,main),72%);
- etc...
child {
padding:$size * 2 10;
We do not need to add another block for media query instead we can nested rules and add @ media in the same element block
some prop;
@media (min-width:40 rem){
some prop
.saas-parent-class {
some common props;
@extend .saas-parent-class;
@extend .saas-parent-class;
Reuseable customizeable function.
@mixin display-flex(){
display: -webkit-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
.child {
@include display-flex();
<section id='section'>
<h1> This is some Text</h1>
#section h1{
some styling
**Adjacent Sibling: Elements share the same Parents Second element come immediately after first element
h2 + p{
<h2>not applied</h2>
- <p>Css applied</p>
<h3>not applied</h3>
<p>not applied</p>
<h2>not applied</h2>
- <p>Css applied</p>
**General Sibling Element share the same element second element come after first element
h2 ~ p{color:red}
<h2>not applied</h2>
- <p>Css applied</p>
<h3>not applied</h3>
<h2>not applied</h2>
- <p>Css applied</p>
**Child Second element is direct child of first element
div > p{color:red}
- <p> Css applied</p>
<div>Not a applied</div>
<p>Not applied</p>
- <p>Css applied</p>
All second element will get red color No matter whether they are direct or indirect child
div p{color:red}
- <p> Css applied</p>
<div>Not a applied</div>
- <p>Css Applied</p>
- <p>Css applied</p>
**Extra -> anchor tag whcih have active class
Cascading style sheet and specificity Cascading- > Multiple rule can be apply on same element and rule with higher specificity will cascade other rule
Specificity in desceasing order:
In developer tool poperty are shown with decreasing specificity.
The last ones in darker background are browser default
In case element of same spcecifity is present, the one which come later in css file will win
Even if we inline specify two classes, the class which is written in css file will win.
class :psedo-class attribute
<tag> and :pseudo-element-selector
Common CSS properties
overflow:hidden (hide the element flowing out of container)
overflow-x: hidden
text-align:right (for inline content) (float or flex or grid for block element)
text-decoration:none|underline|overline|line-through|line-through dotted red|line-through wavy test-shadow:5px 5px 2px gray (x y blurr color)
font-diaplay:block|swap|fallback|optional (helps to load custom fonts or fallback fonts)
font-variant:small-caps (change everything to caps)
line-height:2|32px|200% (using only number '2' we are dealing with relative to font-size)
font:italic small-caps 700 1.2rem/2 "anonPro",sans-serif
(style variant weight size/height family) size and family is complusory
width:calc(100% - 54px)
list-style:none (remove bullets point from list)
z-index:-1 (work only with element with position !static or dispaly:flex)
border:2px soloid|dashed red
box-sizing: content-box|border-box
.button:focus {outline:none} (to remove outline)
/* Flex */
.--flex-center {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.--flex-start {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: flex-start;
.--flex-end {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
align-items: center;
.--flex-between {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.--align-center {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
/* Center All */
.--center-all {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
margin: auto;
text-align: center;
.--grid-15 {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(15rem, 1fr));
row-gap: 1rem;
column-gap: 1rem;
.--grid-25 {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(24rem, 1fr));
row-gap: 1rem;
column-gap: 1rem;
/* Card */
.--card {
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: var(--box-shadow);
overflow: hidden;
.--btn {
font-size: 1.6rem;
font-weight: 400;
padding: 6px 8px;
margin: 0 5px 0 0;
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-radius: 3px;
cursor: pointer;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
transition: all 0.3s;
.--btn:hover {
transform: translateY(-2px);
.--btn-lg {
padding: 8px 10px;
.--btn-block {
width: 100%;
.--btn-primary {
color: #fff;
background: #007bff;
.--btn-secondary {
color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #fff;
background: transparent;
.--btn-danger {
color: #fff;
background: orangered;
.--btn-success {
color: #fff;
background: #28a745;
a {
font-size: 1.4rem;
color: var(--dark-blue);
text-decoration: none;
transition: all 0.2s;
a:hover {
color: var(--color-dark);
font-size: 1.5rem;
/* Margin */
.--m {
margin: 1rem;
.--ml {
margin-left: 1rem;
.--mr {
margin-right: 1rem;
.--mb {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
.--my {
margin: 1rem 0;
.--mx {
margin: 0 1rem;
.--m2 {
margin: 2rem;
.--ml2 {
margin-left: 2rem;
.--mr2 {
margin-right: 2rem;
.--mb2 {
margin-bottom: 2rem;
.--my2 {
margin: 2rem 0;
.--mx2 {
margin: 0 2rem;
/* Padding */
.--p {
padding: 1rem;
.--p2 {
padding: 2rem;
.--py {
padding: 1rem 0;
.--py2 {
padding: 2rem 0;
.--px {
padding: 0 1rem;
.--px2 {
padding: 0 2rem;