Welcome to the repository for SupportPrim CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System), solely developed by Amar Jaiswal as part of his PhD research:
Leveraging Knowledge and Data-Driven Approaches in Case-Based Reasoning to Aid Physiotherapists Addressing Non-Specific Musculoskeletal Disorders
SupportPrim CDSS assists physiotherapists in making informed decisions for non-specific musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It uses Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), integrating both knowledge-driven (expert rules) and data-driven (machine learning) approaches to match patient data with previously successful treatments. This approach streamlines clinical workflows, supports evidence-based practice, and offers personalized treatment recommendations.
- Hybrid Case Retrieval
- Merges data-driven machine learning techniques with expert-encoded rules.
- Adaptive Learning
- Updates its recommendation engine with outcomes from newly treated cases.
- Comprehensive CBR Workflow
- Follows the Retrieve, Reuse, Revise, Retain cycle for tailored recommendations.
- Interoperable Microservices
- RESTful APIs ensure easy integration with Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and third-party systems.
- Scalable Design
- Supports distributed deployments and manages large volumes of patient data.
├── README.md
├── jars/
│ ├── cbr-interface/
│ │ ├── application.properties
│ │ └── cbr-interface-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── data-management-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── discovery-server-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── elastic-interface-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── infopad-interface-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── lca-calculator-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── mapping-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── myCBR-3.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
│ ├── mycbr-rest-2.0.jar
│ └── transformer-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
├── mycbr-projects/
│ └── supportprim_cbr_latest.prj
├── resources/
│ └── infopad_to_ism_transformer.xslt
├── start-backend.sh
├── stop-backend.sh
└── ...
- jars/: Java-based services and dependencies.
- mycbr-projects/: Files for the myCBR engine.
- resources/: Configuration or transformation files.
- start-backend.sh, stop-backend.sh: Scripts to start and stop microservices.
- Discovery Server
- Registers and discovers available microservices.
- CBR Interface
- Connects to the myCBR engine for case retrieval and adaptation.
- Data Management Module
- Ingests and stores patient data from various sources.
- Infopad Interface
- Transforms and integrates external healthcare data (e.g., Infopad APIs).
- Transformer & Mapping
- Ensures consistency in data formats (XML, JSON, etc.).
- Elastic Interface (Optional)
- Supports advanced search and analytics with Elasticsearch.
- UI Integration
- A front-end (not included in this repo) calls these services via REST.
For a visual representation, see the supportprim-backend-subsystems_v3.pdf included in this repository.
- start-backend.sh : Launches microservices in the required sequence.
- stop-backend.sh : Gracefully halts all running services.
This software is made available “as is,” one must seek permission from SupportPrim pincipal investigator (PI) Ingebrigt Meisingset having email-id as [email protected]. Users must recognize the intellectual efforts of Amar Jaiswal and the academic goals of his PhD research when employing or modifying this code.