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status: blocked
status: blocked
Blocked by an issue / missing feature of a dependency, or by another issue
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
status: good first issue
status: good first issue
Good for newcomers
status: help wanted
status: help wanted
Good idea, but the core developers will not work on it at the moment
status: needs info/work
status: needs info/work
Further information or work required (usually from the creator of the issue or PR)
status: needs reproduction
status: needs reproduction
Needs a minimal reproduction
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
This will not be worked on
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working
type: chore
type: chore
Helpful for the development of this module
type: documentation
type: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
New feature or request
type: question
type: question
Further information is requested