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GET institution environments

JeffMedeiros edited this page Dec 2, 2019 · 3 revisions


Retrieves a list with all records of environment measurements associated with an Institution.


GET https://localhost:4001/v1/institutions/{institution_id}/environments


institution_id: string (A 24-byte hex ID)

Curl example

curl -X GET "https://localhost:4001/v1/institutions/5a62be07de34500146d9c624/environments?page=1&limit=20" -H "accept: application/json"

Response body

  • 200 Successful requisition.

          "id": "5a62be07de34500146d9c544",
          "institution_id": "5a62be07de34500146d9c544",
          "location": {
            "local": "indoor",
            "room": "Bloco H sala 01",
            "latitude": -7.2100766,
            "longitude": -35.9175756
          "measurements": [
              "type": "temperature",
              "value": 35.6,
              "unit": "°C"
              "type": "humidity",
              "value": 42.2,
              "unit": "%"
              "type": "pm1",
              "value": 0.57,
              "unit": "µm"
              "type": "pm2.5",
              "value": 1.9,
              "unit": "µm"
              "type": "pm10",
              "value": 7.9,
              "unit": "µm"
          "climatized": true,
          "timestamp": "2019-11-19T14:40:00Z"
  • 400 Validation errors

  • 500 Internal Server Error

Query Strings (Optional)

Query strings are used as follows: there must be a question mark following the URL and providing the parameters for the desired operations. There are four possible operations: filtering, paging, limiting, and sorting.

All parameters can also be used together concatenated by the & character as follows:


For more details about using Query Strings click here.

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