Name | Location | Role |
Eli Holmes (NOAA Fisheries) | Bigelow | Project Facilitator |
Ian | Bigelow | Participant |
Gulce | Bigelow | Participant |
Rafael | Bigelow | Participant |
Adam | Bigelow | Participant |
Adelle | Bigelow | Participant |
Phil | Bigelow | Participant |
Farley | Bigelow | Participant |
Kasandra | Bigelow | Participant |
Ben | Bigelow | Participant |
This group of examples, linked with the PACE app (People Accessing Cool Examples), provides clear and executable scripts to work with PACE data. The NASA data distribution system can be difficult to navigate, and represents a barrier to entry for inexperienced scientists. Our goal for this project was to create an interactive and simple way to pick a point in time and space and generate informative plots. Focusing on data from the new PACE satellite, we present diagnostic tools that can help users track chlorophyll, phytoplankton groups, changes in ocean color, and other data availability including SENTINAL and IFCB datasets. These tools can provide students, teachers, or curious members of the public with diagnostic data about their surrounding ocean, and help to deepen the connection between people and their environment.
- Initial idea: "Create tutorials within a Streamlet app to access the PACE dataproducts and create visualizations"
- Ideation Presentation: Link
- Slack channel: ohw24_proj_pace_us
- Project google drive: TBD
- Final presentation: TBD
- PACE Hackweek tutorials
- PACEToolkit, another PACE tutorial hackweek project
- IFCB data:
- Streamlet App:
- Sentinal Repo:
To run one of the examples, follow these links to a notebook, load in the dependancies and data, and follow the instructions. Demo Notebooks:
- Chlorophyll demo notebook:
- Hawai'i demo notebook:
- Long Island demo notebook:
- PACE Chl-a with IFCB demo notebook:
- Itegrate more smoothly with Streamlet App
- Add more datasets for comparison
- Optimize for plotting larger time series