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Releases: oemof/tespy


02 Mar 08:17
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What's Changed


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7.8...v0.7.9

TESPy version 0.7.8

04 Dec 21:40
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The latest version of tespy arrives with a specification for pressure delta (dp) on HeatExchanger classes and children as well as a ttd_min specification, which will impose the smaller of the terminal temperature differences to be equal to the specified ttd_min value.

TESPy version 0.7.7

04 Dec 21:41
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What's Changed

  • Bug/heatexchanger effectiveness out of fluid property exception postprocessing by @fwitte in #533
  • Make the network loader only import valid tespy component class names by @fwitte in #536
  • Fix deprecated section in docs on derivative placement in Jacobian by @fwitte in #552
  • Add note for subsystem component and connection labeling by @fwitte in #553
  • Make the topology simplification reset a public method by @fwitte in #559
  • Add heatpumps dashboard to examples by @fwitte in #560
  • Change default value for dissipative to None by @fwitte in #563

Full Changelog: v0.7.6...v0.7.7

Hotfix for version 0.7.6

04 Aug 06:34
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The calculation of the heat exchanger effectiveness is excepted in postprocessing, in case one side's inlet temperature is out of the bounds of the fluid properties of the other side's fluid.

TESPy version 0.7.6

04 Aug 06:32
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Implement heat exchanger effectiveness parameter, see the full changelog:

TESPy version 0.7.5

17 Jul 17:14
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This release features a couple of smaller bug fixes and improvements, and it creates compatibility to numpy version 2.0

TESPy version 0.7.4

26 May 19:14
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Your custom components can be made available to the load_network function without the need to modify the source code, for an example see

TESPy version 0.7.3

16 Apr 16:43
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This version contains some smaller bug and documentation fixes. On top of that, the UserDefinedEquation can be imported from the level.

TESPy version 0.7.2

21 Jan 17:53
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This release features a couple of bugfixes, mostly connected to the API changes introduced in version 0.7.

TESPy version 0.7.1.post1

03 Dec 11:41
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