This is the server part of Galactic Pub. Includes the following sub-projects.
A privacy first voting platform powered by blockchain technology. Inspired by stellot. Work-in-progress.
One of the main goals would be to support multiple blockchains (currently only stellar).
It's based on blind signatures.
- The voter first authenticates with server. In order to get a vote token anonymously, it creates a concealed request, which contains information about the voter's account where the vote token should be delivered.
- The concealed request will be sent to the server for signing
- From the signature on the concealed request voter creates the signature for the revealed request.
- Voter becomes anonymous, and sends the revealed signature, and request to the server.
- The server checks the revealed signature, so that it knows the anonymous voter is a participant of the voting in question.
- Server sends back the transaction so that voter can obtain the vote token.
The API doc is available here.