This script aims to make working with multiple AWS subaccounts more convenient.
reads stdin in one of multiple formats and produces
output on stdout in one of multiple formats.
Input can either be aws-config
(the ini format of ~/.aws/config), or aws-api
(the json output of aws organizations list-accounts --output json
Output can be aws-config
(a set of profiles that can be appended to
~/.aws/config), cookie-raw
(a cookie with a list of accounts, that can be
injected into a browser session to populate the role history dropdown), or
(a list of links to AWS console to assume a role in each account).
bash, coreutils, util-linux,
- awscli (only
--output-format cookie-raw
) - jq (only
--input-format aws-api
USAGE: aws-organizations-helper [options]
Process information about AWS organizations
-i | --input-format ifmt input format [aws-api]
-o | --output-format ofmt output format [aws-config]
-g | --default-region region default region []
-r | --default-role role default role [OrganizationAccountAccessRole]
-h | --help print this help and exit
ifmt = aws-config | aws-api
ofmt = aws-config | cookie-raw | links-raw
% aws organizations list-accounts|aws-organizations-helper -g eu-west-1 >>~/.aws/config
% aws-organizations-helper -i aws-config -o links-raw <~/.aws/config
% aws organizations list-accounts|aws-organizations-helper -i aws-api -o links-raw
% aws organizations list-accounts|aws-organizations-helper -i aws-api -o cookie-raw
WARNING: AWS console will only display the first 5 profiles.
% aws organizations list-accounts|aws-organizations-helper -i aws-api -o aws-config -g eu-west-1
[profile some_account]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::1337:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole
source_profile = default
region = eu-west-1
% aws-organizations-helper -i aws-config -o links-raw <~/.aws/config
% aws-organizations-helper -i aws-config -o cookie-raw <~/.aws/config
WARNING: AWS console will only display the first 5 profiles.
# Doesn't make much sense to run, other than to verify that the helper works correctly.
% aws-organizations-helper -i aws-config -o aws-config -g eu-west-1 <~/.aws/config
[profile some_account]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::1337:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole
source_profile = default
region = eu-west-1