We love open source contributors! Feel free to take on open issues that are marked help wanted
or open new issues. Please comment on the issue to be assigned to work on it as well as if you need more clarification. You can also reach out to @meg-gutshall via the Ruby for Good Slack.
When submitting your pull request, please submit to the dev
branch as this is our working branch.
Fork this repository and clone it down to your computer. Create a new branch that describes what you're working on.
We built this site using Jekyll and it's hosted via GitHub pages. We used ruby 2.7.1 and bundler 2.1.4 on the initial build and dot files are included for both rbenv and asdf ruby managers. Lastly run npm install
to make sure you have all the packages needed.
To run the website locally, type npm run test
in your terminal and navigate to to see the site in your browser. A reload will be triggered every time you change the code in you editor.
We have also implemented some tools that check the files for syntax issues and autocorrect them whenever possible. These are called linters and they will automatically check any files you have staged for a commit.
If you'd like to lint your code before you stage it, you can do so with the following commands:
npm run lint:js // Applies to JS files only
npm run lint:style // Applies to CSS, Less, Sass, and SCSS files
npm run lint:text // Applies to HTML and Markdown files
You will not be able to successfully commit your work until all errors are cleared.