This project is a backend websocket server. When a client connects to the system, the client could create his own channel or join other channel. The channels in the documentation and in the code are referred to rooms. One member only is in one room at the time. For further documentation, go to: here
The purpose of this project, is to allow me to have a websocket server for further projects that I will make using Flutter.
You can use the Makefile
and run make help
to see all the options. To run the application using Docker, run:
make docker-run
It will create an image and run a container with the application serving on port 8080. You can change the port in the file .env
Otherwise, you can run the application if you have golang in your machine using go run
or go build
You can see the documentation here
You can go to /example to see an implementation of a websocket client in JS. You will need to run the application in localhost.