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Contributing Code to Community App

Jonathan Zhang edited this page Dec 12, 2018 · 5 revisions

These instructions are for developers and designers who'd like to contribute code or design to the Community App.

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the community app. This page explains how to get set up the app, how to find something to work on, and how to make a code change. If you run into any problems or bugs with the app along the way, please file an issue on our issue tracker, or contacting us (see below).

Getting in Touch with the Team

Finding Something to Do

If you're new to community app, we strongly suggest finding a good first issues for volunteers that you'd enjoy fixing to get familiar with the codebase and focusing on it until it's completed. Currently, there are lots of reskin labeled issues which are easy ones to start with.

If an issue does not have someone working on it, and there's no existing PR for the issue, make sure you comment on the issue to notify others that you are working on it.

Instruction for Making a Code Change

Working on your first pull request? You can learn how from this free series: How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub..

Our central development branch is develop, which should be clean and ready for release at any time. In general, issues are made for develop branch but currently we are going through reskin and lots of other features of community app, so on issues, it will be mentioned which branch that issue pertains to. Feel free to discuss about any issue in Gitter or Mailing List.

  1. Choose a descriptive branch name that relates to the issue. For example, it should be like issue-1888 if your are working on issue number 1888.

  2. Start from an updated develop branch and create your new branch The steps are below.**

     `git fetch upstream`
     `git checkout develop`
     `git merge upstream/develop`

git checkout -b your-branch-name

  1. Make commits to your issue branch. Each commit should be self-contained and have a descriptive commit message that helps other developers understand why the changes were made.

    • If you are sending a PR then it should notify which issue you are sLike thising like BranchName: Fix #IssueNo - Description

    • Example: Reskin: Fix #1234 - Enhanced Feature

  2. Include pictures and proper documentation of your changes in the PR.

    • If the PR is for solving some Issue related to UI, post 2 pictures, first picture containing the earlier UI and the second picture containing the updated UI.

    • Include the URLs to the views that are affected by the PR. For example, if the PR has some improvements on the clients page, have the URL information as:

  3. Please ensure that the code you write is well-tested.

    • Wait for your PR to get reviewed and make necessary changes if requested. Till then, you can start working on another issue.

Happy Contributing!