Install dependencies
yarn install
Compile & build project
yarn build
Keep in mind that, if you are test OCID with localhost, it might not be able to run on Mobile Safari due to this limitation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto
Properties that can be overriden
Setup Context to hook up state variables and override configuration
import { OCConnect } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
const opts = {
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3001/redirect',
referralCode: 'PARTNER6'
return (
<div id='app-root'>
<OCConnect opts={opts} sandboxMode={true}>
<RouterProvider router={ router } />
OCConnect Property
Property | Description |
opts | Authentication's properties that can be overriden |
sandboxMode | Connect to sandbox if it is set, default to live mode |
Opts Property
Property | Description |
redirectUri | URL to return after the login process is completed |
referralCode | Unique identifiers assigned to partners for tracking during OCID account's registration. |
domain | Domain to store cookie. Leave it blank to tell the browser to use the current domain |
sameSite | Specify the SameSite behavior when using cookie as storage. When true - SameSite: strict; when false - SameSite: None, when not set - default SameSite behavior browser dependent |
Setup LoginCallBack to handle flow's result
import { LoginCallBack } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
const loginSuccess = () => {}
const loginError = () => {}
<Route path="/redirect"
element={ <LoginCallBack errorCallback={loginError} successCallback={loginSuccess} /> }
It is possible to customize Loading & Error Page
import { LoginCallBack, useOCAuth } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
export default function CustomErrorComponent ()
const { authState, ocAuth } = useOCAuth();
return (
<div>Error Logging in: { authState.error.message }</div>
export default function CustomLoadingComponent ()
return (
<Route path="/redirect"
successCallback={loginSuccess} />
- useOCAuth is a hook that provides credentials (authentication information)
- Before using any information from this hook, we need to check isInitialized flag
- This is because there's a setup/initialization period where the SDK (software development kit) is getting ready
Here's an example of how it would work:
import { useOCAuth } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
const UserTokenPage = (props) => {
const { isInitialized, authState, ocAuth, OCId, ethAddress } = useOCAuth();
if (!isInitialized) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
} else if (authState.error !== undefined) {
return <div>Error: {authState.error.message}</div>;
} else {
return (
<h4>User Info</h4>
{ JSON.stringify(ocAuth.getAuthState(), null, 2) }
Install dependencies
npm install @opencampus/ocid-connect-js
yarn add @opencampus/ocid-connect-js
'use client'
import { ReactNode } from 'react';
import { OCConnect, OCConnectProps } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
export default function OCConnectWrapper({ children, opts, sandboxMode }) {
return (
<OCConnect opts={opts} sandboxMode={sandboxMode}>
import OCConnectWrapper from '../components/OCConnectWrapper';
export default function RootLayout({
}) {
const opts = {
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/redirect', // Adjust this URL
referralCode: 'PARTNER6', // Assign partner code
return (
<html lang="en">
<OCConnectWrapper opts={opts} sandboxMode={true}>
'use client'
import { LoginCallBack } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
export default function RedirectPage() {
const router = useRouter();
const loginSuccess = () => {
router.push('/'); // Redirect after successful login
const loginError = (error) => {
console.error('Login error:', error);
function CustomErrorComponent() {
const { authState } = useOCAuth();
return <div>Error Logging in: {authState.error?.message}</div>;
function CustomLoadingComponent() {
return <div>Loading....</div>;
return (
customErrorComponent={<CustomErrorComponent />}
customLoadingComponent={<CustomLoadingComponent />}
'use client'
import { useOCAuth } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
export default function LoginButton() {
const { ocAuth } = useOCAuth();
const handleLogin = async () => {
try {
await ocAuth.signInWithRedirect({ state: 'opencampus' });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Login error:', error);
return <button onClick={handleLogin}>Login</button>;
'use client';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import LoginButton from '../components/LoginButton';
import { useOCAuth } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
export default function Home() {
const { authState, ocAuth } = useOCAuth();
if (authState.error) {
return <div>Error: {authState.error.message}</div>;
// Add a loading state
if (authState.isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return (
<h1>Welcome to My App</h1>
{authState.isAuthenticated ? (
<p>You are logged in! {JSON.stringify(ocAuth.getAuthState())}</p>
) : (
<LoginButton />
If React is not desirable front end framework, Our sdk could be used to integrate seamlessly with others.
Our authentication flow adhere to OIDC Auth Code Flow + PKCE standard.
First and foremost, we could initialize the SDK to use either OCAuthSandbox (testing environment) and OCAuthLive (production environment)
import { OCAuthSandbox } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
const authSdk = new OCAuthSandbox();
Main Methods of Auth SDK
Method | Description |
signInWithRedirect | Initialize login process. Accept "state" as an input |
handleLoginRedirect | Return the auth state of the login process |
getAuthState | Return auth state data { accessToken, idToken, OCId, ethAddress, isAuthenticated } |
getStateParameter() | Return the state that was initialized in signin process |
Sample usage
import { OCAuthSandbox } from '@opencampus/ocid-connect-js';
const authSdk = new OCAuthSandbox()
await authSdk.signInWithRedirect( {
state: 'opencampus',
The login flow adhere with PKCE standard. The following params will be prepared by our SDK and send to authentication server.
Method | Description |
origin_url | Origin of the authentication request |
redirect_uri | Desitnation after the authentication is completed |
response_type | 'code' is being used to adhere with PKCE standard |
scope | only support 'openid' at the moment |
code_challenge | adhere with PKCE standard |
code_challenge_method | Only S256 is supported at the moment |
ref | Unique identifiers assigned to partners for tracking during user registration |
Sample usage to handle login response
try {
const authState = await ocAuth.handleLoginRedirect();
if ( authState.idToken ) {
// login process is completed
} else {
// login process is not completed
} catch ( e ) {
// there is an exception during login process
Access OCId info of Auth SDK
property | Description |
OCId | return OC ID |
ethAddress | Return eth Wallet Address that connect to the ID |
ocid-connect-js is released under the MIT license.
Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating how to fetch the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) from a remote URL and verify a JWT. Depending on the environment, it will choose either the Sandbox or Live JWKS URL.
Sandbox: https://static.opencampus.xyz/certs/jwks-sandbox.json
Live: https://static.opencampus.xyz/jwks/jwks-live.json
This is just an example, you can use any library to verify the JWT. Do not use this code in production.
import * as jose from 'jose';
const fetchJWKS = async (jwkUrl) => {
const resp = await fetch(jwkUrl);
json = await resp.json();
return await jose.createLocalJWKSet(json);
const verifyJwt = async (jwt, jwkUrl) => {
const JWK = await fetchJWKS(jwkUrl);
const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify(jwt, JWK);
return payload;
// Example usage
const verifyTokenExample = async (jwt) => {
try {
// Choose the JWKS URL based on the environment
const jwkUrl = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? 'https://static.opencampus.xyz/jwks/jwks-live.json'
: 'https://static.opencampus.xyz/certs/jwks-sandbox.json';
const payload = await verifyJwt(jwt, jwkUrl);
console.log('JWT verified successfully:', payload);
} catch (error) {
console.error('JWT verification failed:', error);
// Replace 'your_jwt_here' with your actual JWT token