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OEL Bootstrap based Component Library template

Library of components based on Bootstrap 5

Build Status code style: prettier lerna


This library is mainly a development environment for components released as packages on npm under the @openeuropa organization and it provides a style-guide using storybook where all the components are rendered through the twig templates defined in the library and most of their capabilities are visible thanks to interactive fields called controls.


Be sure to have Node.js as well as yarn installed before proceeding, this library uses the current LTS version of node.js, named fermium

# Clone the repo
git clone
cd bootstrap-component-library

# Install dependencies and build the themes

# Start a development session (storybook with browsersync )
yarn start {project}

Npm packages

The components are released as single, standalone packages providing a twig template but those templates are also available in the theme packages. The theme packages contain source files (scss, js, twig) as well as the compiled resources ready to be used. A package defined as a dependency by the themes is making the bootstrap source files available to each of the theme packages.

List of npm packages

How to use a package from npm

  • fetch the package with npm or yarn, e.g. npm install @openeuropa/bcl-theme-default or yarn add @openeuropa/bcl-theme-default

  • include the templates in your application, you will need a twig loader capable of identifying the templates using their namespace @oe-bcl.

    {% include '@oe-bcl/bcl-icon/icon.html.twig' with {
        name: 'files',
        path: 'static/media/bootstrap-icons.svg',
        size: 'm',
        transformation: 'rotate-180'
      } only %}

BCL builder

The @openeuropa/bcl-builder is a package providing scripts to be executed via the command line, styles, scripts, copy, rename and sprite. They can be used respectively to compile SASS files and minify css files, compile and minify js files, to copy files or rename files and to generate svg sprites. It comes with a bin file that is available when the package is installed and can be run as npm run ecl-builder scriptName. It supports a configuration file bcl-builder.config.js where each script can be configured to perform specific operations in the enviroment where they are used. Examples of the configuration files are available in the theme packages, the bcl-builder is used to build those packages in the library as well.

Anatomy of a theme package

The theme packages aim to be a ready solution for integrating the library in any platform supporting twig:

default theme

Each theme package is meant to provide all the needed resources in terms of css, js, twig templates and icons. Js is offered in three different formats, umd (universal module definition), esm (ES Modules) and the bundle (which includes popper Js), similarly to what happens with the files distributed by the bootstrap library. All the files come with a map file and with a minified version ready for being used in a production website. The twig templates are in the templates folder inside a folder with the respective package name so that they can be directly used with a loader defining the @oe-bcl namespace and pointing at the templates folder.

Twig templates

The twig packages are available as individual npm packages but also directly available in the theme packages, the @openeuropa/bcl-twig-templates package which is a collection of all the BCL default templates stored in a folder with the package name.

Twig loader

The library uses @oe-bcl as the namespaces for the templates so a typical twig-loader would be defined as such:

loader.addPath(pathToTheTemplatesFolder, "oe-bcl");

Developer's guidelines

Developer's guidelines