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AMDmi3 edited this page Dec 24, 2012 · 2 revisions


This is a list of opening_hours scheme problems and possible extensions for it.

Conditions met in the real data, but not covered with the scheme

  • First weekend of a month. This cannot be specified as Sa[1],Su[1] because these days may be not consequential. Proposed syntax: weekend[1] used in the same place and handled in the same way as a weekday (e.g. Mo,Fr,Th[1],weekend[1] 10:00
  • A day before/after public holiday. Proposed syntax: PH-1, PH+1.
  • Seasons. From the first glance, may be aliased to month ranges. However, in reality these may mean weather conditions and not be fixed. This way it'd be hard to handle as in open end case.
  • Day of month (with no month specified). E.g. even days of month, odd days of month, first day of month, last day of month, 13th day of every month. Proposed syntax: 1-3,-1 off, 1-31/2, 2-30/2. This can be supported as a plain day number, but it may spawn ambiguities as e.g. Aug 17 may be interpreted as either "(month=Aug) AND (day=17)" or "(date=Aug 17)". This case is OK, but more complex cases may at least look misleading: Feb,Jan 17 is "(month=Feb|Jan) AND (day=17)", however human may take it for "(month=Jan) OR (date=Feb 17).
  • Last workday of a month. Proposed syntax: workday[-1].
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