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qtbase_x64-windows 6.8.2-vcpkg15208e16114be523ba1a6736d1ddb28780056ba1457e55797e05b7767280698a

Install from the command line:
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$ dotnet add package qtbase_x64-windows --version 6.8.2-vcpkg15208e16114be523ba1a6736d1ddb28780056ba1457e55797e05b7767280698a

About this version

NOT FOR DIRECT USE. Automatically generated cache package.

Qt Base (Core, Gui, Widgets, Network, ...)

Version: 6.8.2#1 Triplet: x64-windows CXX Compiler id: CXX Compiler version: Triplet/Compiler hash: 4556164a2cd3dd6f4742101eabb46def7e71b6e5856faa88e5d005aac12a803c-1d3d767ab10b488977977b83f6c2da7e06afd80b1e375a2a41c60c343e7b3f94 Features: brotli, concurrent, core, dbus, dnslookup, doubleconversion, freetype, gui, harfbuzz, icu, jpeg, network, opengl, openssl, pcre2, png, sql, sql-psql, sql-sqlite, testlib, thread, widgets, zstd Dependencies: brotli dbus double-conversion freetype harfbuzz icu libjpeg-turbo libpng libpq opengl openssl pcre2 sqlite3 vcpkg-cmake vcpkg-cmake-config zlib zstd