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Support own extensions

To use the StyleManager in your own DCA's as well, four to five steps are required.

First things first

As in Contao itself, the DCA must contain a field where the CSS classes can be stored. One of the following fields should exist:

Field Size
cssID multiple field
cssClass single field
class single field
attributes multiple field

Please note that the field size must be observed!

Step 1: Expand your DCA

Adding the StyleManager widget in your own DCA. As an example we use the DCA name tl_mydca and the Field attribute (storage for CSS-Classes).

use Oveleon\ContaoComponentStyleManager\StyleManager\StyleManager;

// Extend the StyleManager field
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_mydca']['fields']['styleManager'] = [
    'inputType' => 'stylemanager',
    'eval'      => ['tl_class'=>'clr stylemanager'],
    'sql'       => "blob NULL"

// Extend the palette (StyleManager provides a helper callback to automatically include all palettes in the DCA, Contao's palette manipulator can also be used)
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_mydca']['config']['onload_callback'][] = [StyleManager::class, 'addPalette'];

// Adding callback methods for the CSS-class field (cssID, cssClass, class or attributes)
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_mydca']['fields']['attributes']['load_callback'][] = [StyleManager::class, 'onLoad'];
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_mydca']['fields']['attributes']['save_callback'][] = [StyleManager::class, 'onSave'];

Step 2: Expand the StyleManager DCA

To be able to select the new DCA within the StyleManager configuration (CSS Groups), we need to make it known in the next step. To use the same naming scheme as in StyleManager, we name our new field "extendtable-name" (extendMyDca).

use Contao\CoreBundle\DataContainer\PaletteManipulator;

// Extend fields
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_style_manager']['fields']['extendMyDca'] = [
    'inputType' => 'checkbox',
    'eval'      => ['tl_class'=>'clr'],
    'sql'       => "char(1) NOT NULL default ''"

// Extend the default palette
    ->addField(['extendMyDca'], 'publish_legend', PaletteManipulator::POSITION_APPEND)
    ->applyToPalette('default', 'tl_style_manager');

Step 3: Make your DCA known to the StyleManager widget

To get the selected CSS groups for the new DCA and to provide them in the StyleManager widget, it is necessary to provide the StyleManager with the new DCA. In order to make this possible the styleManagerFindByTable hook is prepared.

use Contao\CoreBundle\ServiceAnnotation\Hook;
use Oveleon\ContaoComponentStyleManager\Model\StyleManagerModel;

 * Find css groups using their table
 * @Hook("styleManagerFindByTable")
public function onFindByTable(string $table, array $options = [])
    if('tl_mydca' === $table)
        return StyleManagerModel::findBy(['extendMyDca=1'], null, $options);

    return null;

Step 4: Provide the StyleManager your new groups

To check if the CSS groups is allowed for the current component, we need to include a check function via the hook styleManagerIsVisibleGroup.

use Contao\CoreBundle\ServiceAnnotation\Hook;
use Oveleon\ContaoComponentStyleManager\StyleManagerModel;

 * Check whether an element is visible for my dca in style manager widget
 * @Hook("styleManagerIsVisibleGroup")
public function isVisibleGroup(StyleManagerModel $group, string $table): bool
    if('tl_mydca' === $table && !!$group->extendMyDca)
        return true;

    return false;

Step 5: Skip fields that should not be displayed

📌 This step is only necessary for tables with different types like tl_content, tl_module or tl_form_fields

If the DCA provides several types, which can be selected individually under the CSS groups, a further check has to take place to display them only for certain types.

use Contao\Widget;
use Contao\StringUtil;
use Contao\CoreBundle\ServiceAnnotation\Hook;

 * Skip non-valid fields
 * @Hook("styleManagerSkipField")
public function onSkipField(StyleManagerModel $styleGroups, Widget $widget)
    if(!!$styleGroups->extendMyDca && 'tl_mydca' === $widget->strTable)
        $arrDcaTypes = StringUtil::deserialize($styleGroups->dcaTypes);

        if($arrDcaTypes !== null && !in_array($widget->activeRecord->type, $arrDcaTypes))
            return true;

    return false;



namespace App/Support;

use Contao\StringUtil;
use Contao\CoreBundle\ServiceAnnotation\Hook;
use Contao\Widget;
use Oveleon\ContaoComponentStyleManager\Model\StyleManagerModel;

class StyleManagerSupport
     * Name of the DCA to be supported
    const DCA_NAME = 'tl_mydca';

     * Field name, which was added in tl_style_manager
    const SM_FIELD_NAME = 'extendMyDca';

     * Find css groups using their table (Step 3)
     * @Hook("styleManagerFindByTable")
    public function onFindByTable(string $table, array $options = [])
        if(self::DCA_NAME === $table)
            return StyleManagerModel::findBy([self::SM_FIELD_NAME . '=1'], null, $options);

        return null;

     * Check whether an element is visible for my dca in style manager widget (Step 4)
     * @Hook("styleManagerIsVisibleGroup")
    public function isVisibleGroup(StyleManagerModel $group, string $table): bool
        if(self::DCA_NAME === $table && !!$group->{self::SM_FIELD_NAME})
            return true;

        return false;

     * Skip non-valid fields (Step 5)
     * @Hook("styleManagerSkipField")
    public function onSkipField(StyleManagerModel $styleGroups, Widget $widget)
        if(!!$styleGroups->{self::SM_FIELD_NAME} && self::DCA_NAME === $widget->strTable)
            $arrDcaTypes = StringUtil::deserialize($styleGroups->dcaTypes);

            if($arrDcaTypes !== null && !in_array($widget->activeRecord->type, $arrDcaTypes))
                return true;

        return false;