# See inst/targets/_targets.R for additional configuration options
# to run within the current environment with custom options:
rf.config.dir.base = "reference-fabric/",
rf.config.simplify_keep = 0.20
reference.fabric::make_fabric(callr_function = NULL)
To run in a clean environment with custom options, modify
options in a .Rprofile
file in the project directory
the workflow will be executed from. Using this approach,
the new callr
environment will load the desired options
at startup.
A suggested .Rprofile
to be used during package development is included below.
Replace "..." with your own values.
tar_config_set(script = "inst/targets/_targets.R")
tar_option_set(error = "null", debug = "...")
rf.config.dir.base = "...",
rf.config.file.nhdplus = "...",
rf.config.file.enhd = "..."