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A VM implementing a dynamically-typed imperative programming language from scratch.

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Standard libary documentation | Performance tracking

This is a small, weakly and dynamically typed, interpreted programming language that doesn't really have a name. My goal is to see how close I can get to a "real" programming language like Python while implementing everything on my own.

Another goal I have with this language is to keep the built-in stuff (implemented in C) to a minimum. You'll probably be able to tell throughout the rest of this document.

To try any of these examples, clone the repository, run make (only MacOS and Linux are supported right now), and start the repl by running ./cbcvm. Use the --help flag to see how to otherwise use the CLI.

Without further ado, here is an overview of the language:


There are only line comments. They start with a # and end at the next newline.

Primitive Types

Objects of a primitive type are immutable and passed around by value; if you access a variable bound to a number, you get a copy of its value. These values are stored directly on the (VM's) stack.

The primitive types are the following:


A signed 64-bit integer. Hexadecimal literals are supported (with a lowercase X).




A double-precision floating point value.




A single Unicode codepoint.




True or false.




A sentinel value used to represent the absence of a value.

Example: null


A UTF-8-encoded string. Can be manipulated using functions in the string module.



Composite Data Types

There are three native types for aggregating values:


A fixed-length, heap-allocated, mutable series of values. Array elements are accessed using brackets ([]).


[1, "hello", null]


Accessing an index that is out of range will throw.


Essentially an array with named indices. A struct has a "struct spec" associated with it, but it has no "identity"; two structs of the same spec with identical values are considered equal.

If a key is not specified when instantiating a struct spec, it is assigned null.

Struct fields are accessed using a :.


struct test { a, b }
test { a = 1 }


Accessing a struct field that does not exist results in a throw at run-time.

An anonymous struct can be declared and instantiated in one expression:

println(struct { a = 123 });

Note that each anonymous struct declaration has its own struct spec. This means that two anonymous structs declared in different places will never be equal. For example:

function makestruct() { return struct {}; }

println(makestruct() == makestruct());  # true
println(makestruct() == struct {});  # false


Functions are closures. This means they can capture variables in the scope where they are defined. As such I think it's (somewhat) reasonable to consider them a composite data type.

A function is defined like so:

function my_function(a, b, c) {
  return a + b * c;

A function declaration can also appear as an expression, in which case it will not be associated with its name in the scope where it's defined. The name allows it to call itself recursively.

Calling a function looks like this:

my_function(1, 2, 3)

You can pass more arguments than the function declares, but not less.

A function can return a single value. A bare return statement will return the value null.

The Userdata Type

Userdata values are opaque and can store anything at the C level. These are only useful for C extensions. Code in the hosted language cannot do anything with the value other than move it around.

An example use-case is storing FILE * values, as seen in the fs standard library module.

Variable Declarations and Scoping Rules


A variable declaration uses the let keyword, like this:

let a = 123;
let b;
let c = 3, d;

If no initializer is provided, the variable is initialized with null.

Structs and arrays can be destructured like so:

let { a } = struct { a = 123, b = 234 };
let [b, c] = [1, 2, 3];

If a field is destructured that doesn't exist on the struct or if more elements are destructured from an array than the array contains, the program will throw.

Any fields/elements which aren't matched on are ignored.

Scoping Rules

Variables are lexically scoped.

If a variable exists in the current scope with a given name, references to that name will refer to that variable. If not, the compiler will check for the variable in the parent function scopes one by one. If it finds the variable in a parent scope, that variable will be closed-over by the current function. If it is not found, it is assumed to be a global variable.

Global variables only exist in the module in which they're defined.

Variables in a function's closure are references to a variable elsewhere. This means that if multiple functions close over the same variable, they will see the updates made by the others. Those changes would also be visible in the scope where the variable was originally defined.

Flow Control

A selection of the usual constructs are available. In all cases the braces surrounding the block are required.

If Statement

Works as you would expect:

if (true) {
} else if (false) {
} else {

While Loop

Works as you would expect:

while (true) {}

For Loop

The for loop is like a C for loop. The language has no native iteration protocol, but see the "Iteration" section below for more on that.

for (let a = 0; a < 10; a++) {}

Any of the initializer, condition, or whatever the third part is called can be omitted.

Errors and Error Handling

There is a pretty rudimentary exception system. It works much like exceptions in JavaScript, using try/catch and throw. You can throw any value, and a try/catch block will catch all errors regardless of type.

In the event of an error, the VM will unwind the call stack until the error state is recovered or it reaches the top of the stack, at which point the program will exit. Here's an example:

try {
  return "success";
} catch (e) {
  return "failed";

Module System

A module is imported using an import statement:

import test;

Upon encountering this statement, the compiler will search for a module with that name. If a built-in module exists with that name, it's imported. If not, the compiler will search for a file called (in this case) test.cb in each of the paths defined in the CBCVM_PATH environment variable. This variable should be a colon-separated list of directories. Once it finds a module with that name, any imports of that name will result in the same module being imported.

Once a module is imported, its exports can be accessed by prefixing their name with the module name and a dot, like test::assert. There is currently no way to alias an imported module, nor is there a way to create individual bindings for its exports while importing.

Note that the module name in an expression like test::assert is not resolved like a variable; it is looked up in the list of imported modules directly. This means that the following will not work:

import test;
let t = test;

Garbage Collection

c-bytecode-vm has a tracing (mark-and-sweep) garbage collector.

To allow C extensions to safely hold onto values without them being collected, use cb_gc_hold to add it to a GC root, and cb_gc_release to remove it from the root. The next time the GC runs the value may be eligible for collection.

Intrinsic Functions

Here are some of the intrinsic functions that likely won't be going anywhere, at least for now:

  • print: Write a string representation of some values to stdout without a trailing newline.
  • println: Write a string representation of some values to stdout with a trailing newline.
  • tostring: Get a string representation of a given value.
  • typeof: Get the type of a value as a string.
  • ord: Convert a character to an integer.
  • chr: Convert an integer to a character.
  • tofloat: Convert an integer to a double. This should be renamed.
  • __upvalues: Returns the values of the current function's closure as an array.
  • apply: Passes an array of values to a function as individual arguments.
  • toint: Converts a double to an integer, or does what ord does to a char.
  • __gc_collect: Have the garbage collector run immediately. It has a scary name because it seems like a scary thing to do.
  • __dis: Print the disassembly of the given function directly to stdout.

Standard Library

Standard library documentation lives in the source code. The generated markdown file can be found here.

Here are some idioms that have appeared in the standard library:


This language has no generators, nor any built-in iteration protocol. The way this is done in the standard library (see the iter module) is using closures.

This is easiest to illustrate with an example:

function range(to) {
  let i = 0;

  return function next() {
    if (i == to) {
      return null;
    let val = i;
    i += 1;
    return val;

test::assert(iter::collect(range(10)) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

Using constructs like these, iteration can be performed like in JavaScript:

iter::foreach(range(10), function (n) {

To "break" out of foreach just return iter::STOP (the same sentinel used to signal when an iterator is exhausted).

Modules that declare "types" that can be iterated over should export an iter function that returns this kind of iterator.


A VM implementing a dynamically-typed imperative programming language from scratch.





