JQGrid Extensions for Server Side Searching / Sorting
I have used open source Technologies / Framework for this projects
this repo contains two projects in the folders
This Folder contains Domo app
This Folder contains DLL JQGrdExtensions.dll that is used in Demo app DLL File
Sorting / Searching:
public JsonResult GetEmployeeCollection(JQGridSettings JQGrid)
int TotapPages = 0;
int TotalRecords = 0;
IEnumerable<Employee> IEEmployee = null;
IQueryable<Employee> IQEmployee = null;
using (Employee DB = new Employee())
if (JQGrid._search)
//for Filter Toolbar
JQGridFilters _filters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JQGridFilters>(JQGrid.filters);
IQEmployee = DB.GetEmployeeColection().AsQueryable().JQGridToolBarSearch(_filters);
//for Advanced Search
//JQGridAdvanceFilter _filters1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JQGridAdvanceFilter>(JQGrid.filters);
//IQEmployee = DB.GetEmployeeColection().AsQueryable().JQGridAdvancedSearch(_filters1);
IQEmployee = DB.GetEmployeeColection().AsQueryable().JQGridSorting(JQGrid.sidx, JQGrid.sord);
IEEmployee = IQEmployee.AsEnumerable();
TotapPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)IEEmployee.Count() / (double)JQGrid.rows));
TotalRecords = IEEmployee.Count();
IEEmployee = IEEmployee.Skip((JQGrid.page - 1) * JQGrid.rows).Take(JQGrid.rows).ToList();
catch (Exception )
var jsonReader = new
root = IEEmployee,
page = JQGrid.page,
total = TotapPages,
records = TotalRecords
return Json(jsonReader, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details