bufcycle.nvim is a simple plugin that provides forward
and backward
functions for cycling over the list of open buffers. An optional customisation
point is provided via the user-defined skip
callback, which determines if a
buffer should be opened or not. The plugin aims to provide easier switching
between buffers when compared to :bprev
, or jump list
navigation via <C-i>
. It is particularly useful in combination with
file explorer plugins such as
dirvish or
oil, which create temporary buffers that
a user would typically need to skip when switching between buffers.
- Neovim
Using lazy-nvim
Add the following to your lua/plugins.lua
file, adjust as needed
config = function()
local bufcycle = require("bufcycle")
skip = function(bufnr)
return vim.bo[bufnr].filetype == 'dirvish'
enable_bounded_buffer_iteration = true,
vim.keymap.set("n", '<C-n>', bufcycle.forward)
vim.keymap.set("n", '<C-p>', bufcycle.backward)
vim.keymap.set("n", '<C-l>', bufcycle.return_to_last_bufcycle_start)
Using rocks.nvim
Make sure the following lines are listed somewhere in the [plugins]
section in the rocks.toml
"rocks-git.nvim" = "scm"
"bufcycle.nvim" = { git = "pacidic/bufcycle.nvim" }
Create a plugins/bufcycle.lua
file containing e.g.
local bufcycle = require("bufcycle")
skip = function(bufnr)
return vim.bo[bufnr].filetype == 'dirvish'
enable_bounded_buffer_iteration = true,
vim.keymap.set("n", '<C-n>', bufcycle.forward)
vim.keymap.set("n", '<C-p>', bufcycle.backward)
vim.keymap.set("n", '<C-l>', bufcycle.return_to_last_bufcycle_start)
If set to true, this enables "bounded" iteration, i.e. iteration through the buffer history without cycling back to the initial buffer.
A function that is called on every buffer switch when cycling through buffers. The function takes the buffer number as an argument. If true is returned, then the buffer is skipped by bufcycle.
bufcycle.nvim does not provide any default key bindings. Instead, the following functions should be bound to a suitable key mapping by the user.
Starts a bufcycle, moves to previous buffer.
Moves to next buffer while performing a bufcycle.
Returns to the buffer where the last bufcycle was started.
Ensure busted
and nlua
are installed:
luarocks --local install nlua
luarocks --local install busted
Ensure the luarocks paths are set correctly in your shell:
eval "$(luarocks path)"
Run tests via luarocks:
luarocks test --local tests/test_*.lua