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Sonata Extra Bundle


For more detailed information and comprehensive guides, please visit our official documentation

An advanced extension for the Sonata Admin Bundle, empowering your Symfony projects with enhanced functionality and ease of use.

The Sonata Extra Bundle enriches the Sonata Admin experience by adding powerful tools and functionalities, such as multilingual management, detailed auditing, flexible approval workflows, AI-driven smart services, seamless WordPress integration, efficient asset management, and more.

📌 Features

  • Activity Logging: Comprehensive logs of admin actions for increased transparency.
  • Workflow Approval: Role-based approval system for critical changes.
  • Multilanguage and Multisite Management: Easily manage content across multiple languages and sites.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP): Enhanced security against common web vulnerabilities.
  • AI-Powered Smart Services: Automatic translation and SEO optimization using AI.
  • WordPress Importer: Seamless migration from WordPress to Sonata.
  • Advanced Asset Handling: Optimized management of CSS and JavaScript resources.
  • SEO Optimization: Automated SEO enhancements and suggestions.
  • Cookie Consent Management: Flexible and customizable GDPR compliance tool.
  • Header Redirect Manager: Conveniently manage HTTP redirects directly from the admin.
  • Customizable Error Pages: Easily set up personalized error pages.
  • Integration with Gutenberg and CKEditor: Rich content editing experiences with enhanced editors.

🚀 Installation

Step 1: Require the Bundle

Use Composer to install the bundle in your Symfony project:

composer require partitech/sonata-extra

2. Enable the Bundle

Register the bundle in your Symfony application by updating config/bundles.php:

return [
    Partitech\SonataExtra\PartitechSonataExtraBundle::class => ['all' => true],

3. Install Assets

Run the following commands to install and initialize the necessary assets:

bin/console sonata:extra:install-gutenberg
bin/console ckeditor:install --tag=4.19.0
bin/console asset:install

📖 Documentation

Detailed setup instructions, feature guides, and practical examples can be found on our official documentation site:
