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Releases: pharmaverse/admiraldev

admiraldev 1.1.0

07 Jun 00:46
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admiraldev 1.1.0

Updates of Existing Functions

  • Updated arg_name parameter in assert_filter_cond, assert_symbol, and assert_expr with gsub("^enexpr\\((\\w+)\\)$", "\\1", rlang::caller_arg(arg)) argument so that error messages return a quoted argument without enexpr(), e.g. filter_add instead of enexpr(filter_add). (#2404)

  • Error messaging throughout the package have been updated from rlang::abort() to cli::cli_abort(). As a part of the update, each of the assert_*() functions have new arguments assert_*(message, arg_name, call, class). (#367)

  • Warning messaging has also been updated to use {cli} messaging.

Breaking Changes

  • renv and related files have been removed. (#360)

  • No longer exporting is_named() function. (#401)

  • pharmaversesdtm removed as a dependency. (#434)

  • As a part of the error messaging update, the following changes were made.

    • The assert_s3_class(class) argument has been renamed to assert_s3_class(cls). (#367)

    • Functions arg_name(), enumerate(), what_is_it(), and friendly_type_of() have been deprecated and a warning is returned to any developer using these functions. As these are developer functions (as opposed to functions for typical admiral users), we will use a short deprecation cycle.


  • The "Release Strategy" vignette was updated with respect to the new branching
    strategy. (#353)

  • The "Release Strategy" vignette now contains a short new "Release Tracking" section linking to an external dashboard for CRAN packages that are awaiting release. (#358)


  • Removed dependencies not needed to build package or package documentation. (#426)

  • Increased minimum R version required to 4.0 to match {admiral}. (#382)

  • addin_format_testthat addin has been moved to {pharmaverse4devs} package. (#419)

admiraldev 1.0.0

19 Dec 15:03
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New Features

Updates of Existing Functions

  • assert_function() now accepts all function arguments if ellipsis, ... is in the function formals (#339)

Breaking Changes

  • The following functions have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process
    • assert_function_param()
    • assert_named_expr()
    • assert_has_variables()


  • New documentation in programming strategy around quoting/expressions and standardizing roxygen texts (#233, #332)
  • New documentation on how to use footnotes when writing vignettes (#324)
  • Updated language and images to adopt GitHub Flow Strategy (#349)


admiraldev v0.5.0

11 Sep 17:17
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admiraldev 0.5.0

New Features

  • Calls for admiral.test have been swapped with pharmaversesdtm (#321)
  • New vignette for package writing extensions is now available (#295, #312)
  • New vignette for creating test data is now available (#282)

Updates of Existing Functions

  • The messaging for warn_if_invalid_dtc() was updated to align with what the date/datetime functions in admiral currently do. (#316)

Breaking Changes

  • The following functions/arguments have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process: (#288)
    • assert_order_vars()
    • quo_c()
    • quo_not_missing()
    • replace_symbol_in_quo()
    • The quosures argument was replaced by the expressions argument in replace_values_by_names(), get_source_vars(), and vars2chr(). (#288)
  • assert_function_param() was deprecated in favor of assert_function(). (#264)
  • assert_named_expr() was deprecated in favor of assert_expr_list(). (#264)
  • assert_has_variables() was deprecated in favor of assert_data_frame(). (#264)


  • Guidance around issues and merging updated (#286)
  • Common R CMD troubleshooting made into separate vignette (#286)
  • Documentation of get_dataset() was improved. (#271)
  • Minor updates to programming strategy were added (#213, #240, #260)
  • Updated unit testing vignette with snapshot testing guidance. (#302)
  • Documentation of friendly_type_of() was provided (#22)
  • Minor updates to pull request review guidance were added (#201, #292)
  • Documentation of singular versus plural function argument names was added into the programming strategy vignette. Also documentation on the common arguments missing_value and missing_values was added. (#296)
  • Documentation highlighting the difference between set_values_to and keep_source_vars (#318)
  • List of common arguments was updated (#306)


admiraldev 0.4.0

09 Jun 16:41
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admiraldev 0.4.0

New Features

  • New function assert_named() to check if all elements of an argument are
    named (#241)

  • New function assert_expr_list() to check if an argument is a list of
    expressions (#241)

  • Added a Report a bug link on admiraldev website (#257)

Updates of Existing Functions

Breaking Changes

  • assert_order_vars() was deprecated in favor of assert_expr_list(). (#241)

  • The following functions have been deprecated from previous admiral versions using the next phase of the deprecation process: (#272)

    • quo_c()
    • quo_not_missing()
    • replace_symbol_in_quo()
  • The quosures argument was replaced by the expressions argument in replace_values_by_names().


  • The deprecation strategy was updated regarding unit tests for deprecated
    functions/arguments in phase 1. (#247)

  • The programming strategy was updated regarding permitted values and calling functions from package dependencies (#72, #253)

admiraldev 0.3.0

10 Mar 11:07
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Merge pull request #242 from pharmaverse/pre-release

Pre release


01 Dec 13:15
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admiraldev 0.2.0

New Features

  • Developer addin for formatting tests to admiral programming standards (#73)
  • New functions replace_symbol_in_quo() and add_suffix_to_vars() (#106)
  • New function assert_atomic_vector() (#98)
  • New keyword/family create_aux for functions creating auxiliary datasets (#126)
  • New function assert_date_vector() (#129)
  • New function assert_same_type() (#176)
  • Remove dependency on {assertthat} (#149)
  • Test coverage for admiraldev have increased from 45% to approximately 100% (#94, #95, #96, #98, #101, #103)
  • Environment objects were consolidated into a single admiraldev_environment object under R/admiraldev_environment.R. (#179)

Updates of Existing Functions

  • expect_names argument added to assert_vars() to check if all variables are named (#117)
  • Remove dplyr function exports and migration of user facing function negate_vars() to admiral (#83)

Breaking Changes

  • No longer compatible with admiral (<0.9)


  • New vignette for our package release strategy (#79)
  • Updated multiple roxygen headers (#116, #133, #134, #141, #145, #172)
  • Description on how admiral options work for certain function inputs, i.e subject_keys (#133)


  • PR Checklist Template updated (#172)
  • New authors/contributors (#158)


01 Sep 17:11
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First release of admiraldev. Brings over the developer functions from admiral core as well as the vignettes.