Takes paths to an arbritary number of zipped and unzipped FASTQ files and/or folders containing zipped or unzipped FASTQ files, concatenates them and prints them to standard out (default) or an unzipped output file.
Supported file extensions are: '*.fastq', '*.fastq.gz', '*.fasta', '*.fasta.gz', '*.fa', '*.fa.gz', '*.fq', '*.fq.gz'
May also be used to filter FQ reads by read ID, read length, q-score, and min/max sequencing time.
pip install catfishq
Check full command list:
$ catfishq --help;
Merge all FQ files within a target directory:
$ catfishq test/ > test.fastq;
Merge all FQ files within a target directory and its sub-directories (recurive):
$ catfishq -r test/ > test.fastq;
Merge the first 1000 reads:
$ catfishq -n 1000 test/ > test_1st_1000.fastq;
Merge reads with a length >=50bp and a q-score >=10:
$ catfishq -l 50 -q 10 -l test/ > test_filt.fastq;
Merge reads collected <60mins from sequencing start:
catfishq --min-sequencing-time 0 --max-sequencing-time 60 test/ > test_60_min.fastq; #merge reads
Note that when looping catfishq over multiple folders from the same run, it is quicker to grab the start time via --print-start-time
and providing it to catfishq via --start-time "$timestamp"
$ t0="$(catfishq --print-start-time test1)";
catfishq --max-sequencing-time 60 --start-time "$t0" test1/ > test1_60_min.fastq;
catfishq --max-sequencing-time 60 --start-time "$t0" test2/ > test2_60_min.fastq;