It's just a simple form validator with hooks, custom rules, translations, overriding functions.
Bundle size: 7,57KB
npm i mp-form-validator
import Validator from "mp-form-validator"
import "mp-form-validator/bundle/validator.bundle.min.js"
<script src="//[email protected]/bundle/validator.bundle.min.js"></script>
Next, create new Validator instance:
var v = new Validator({...params});
Params object:
property | value type | desc |
debug | boolean | Show/hide debug messages in console |
errorWrapperClass | string | Class name for errors wrapper |
errorClass | string | Class name of single error |
errorPosition | string ('before' or 'after') | Where place a error - before or after input |
language | string | Lang code, if not found load default english. |
constraints | object | Object of constraints |
translations | object | Object of translations. Passed override language passed above. |
Default params object:
var paramas = {
debug: false,
errorWrapperClass: 'form-errors-msgs',
errorClass: 'single-error-msg',
errorPosition: 'before',
language: 'en',
constraints: {},
translations: {}
method | param | return | desc |
validateField | field,forceValue | boolean | validate single field |
validateForm | form | boolean | validate passed form |
isFormValid | - | boolean | check if form is valid |
removeAllErrorMessages | - | void | remove all added messages to form elements |
getErrors | - | object | get all form errors |
- field - DOM element
- form - DOM element
- forceValue - string/boolean - sometimes value of your field is changing with delay (e.g. react setState() method, field is binded with state value, but metod works async and value of DOM element will be one change before - NOW you can pass directly field value and all works fine :))
By default, Validator don't know, what you want to validate - so, let's go!
Sample definition of constraints:
var constraints = {
firstName: {
required: true,
phone: {
required: true,
phone: true
email: {
required: true,
email: true
var params = {
constraints: constraints
firstName, phone, email are just name of form elements. Each form element must have a unique name.
Order of processing rules is just order of rules in your Constraint object - for field with name phone first will be 'required', second 'phone'.
For now, we have only 8 rules available - yes - it's simple but powerful validator :>
ruleName | description |
required | check if length of field > 0; if checkbox or radio, check if input group has any checked values |
phone | check if have only digits and 9 numbers |
simple check email | |
password | check if password has 1 lower, 1 upper, 1 numeric, 1 special and >= 8 chars |
pesel | check for polish pesel number |
regon | check for polish regon number |
nip | check for polish nip number |
idCard | check for polish idCard number |
Yes - you can define your own logic for rules.
For example - you want to validate if entered text >= 10 characters.
First, define your rule:
var rules = {
'text-length': {
valid: function(value, field) {
return value.length >= 10;
...and define translation (if invalid):
var translations = {
Rules: {
Errors: {
'text-length': 'You should enter min. 10 chars or greater'
...and pass it to your params:
var params = {
rules: rules,
translations: translations
Create own translations object that should be like example below:
var translations = {
Rules: {
Errors: {
"required": "This field is required.",
"phone": "Incorrect phone format. Should be exact 9 digits.",
"email": "Incorrect email address.",
and pass your object to params:
var params = {
translations: translations
Plugin have some hooks inside. You can override default hook, by passing to params object, a function definition:
functionName | params |
onFieldValidateError | field,value,errorMessages |
onFieldValidateSuccessful | field, value |
onFormValidationError | form, errorMessages |
onFormValidationSuccessful | form |
beforeFieldValidation | field |
afterFieldValidation | field |
beforeFormValidation | form |
afterFormValidation | form |
- field - DOM element
- form - DOM element
- value - string/boolean with field value
- errorMessages - object with errors, where key is a field name, ale value is an array of validation messages
Sample usage:
var params = {
onFormValidationError: function(form, errorMessages) {
onFormValidationSuccessful: function(form) {
- There's no auto-validation on submit, you have full control over when & how. More in index.html
Sorry for everything - it's my first package, if you found a bug, report - thanks!