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This repostory contains 10 years of dotfile history with various configurations. Currently I'm running Arch Linux with the tilling window manager bspwm. Most applications are configured with a dark theme called monokai in combination with the purple tints of the dracula theme.


These dotfiles follow the Low Coupling, High Cohesion principle. An example of this is that the hotkey daemon (sxhkd) doesn't know all the bindings of all applications. In other words, the hotkeys daemon configuration is not directly coupled to all applications that want a binding. Instead a application can express it's hotkey configuration in its own file (topic/hotkeys) that will be sources by the hotkey daemon.


There's a few special files in the hierarchy.

  • bin/: Anything in bin/ will get added to your $PATH and be made available everywhere.
  • module/login: Executed then the windows manager is loaded.
  • module/preinit.zsh: Sourced before any init scripts are loaded.
  • module/init.zsh: Sourced before any ZSH plugin or zinit is loaded.
  • module/postinit.zsh: Sourced after all init scripts loaded.
  • module/aliases.zsh: Sourced after all init scripts loaded.
  • module/hotkeys: Sourced by the hotkey daemon sxhkd.
  • module/install.zsh: Any file named is executed when you run script/install. This script should be idempotent.


Blazing fast shell start time

$ time zsh -i -c exit
0.06s user 0.13s system 101% cpu 0.186 total

Blazing fast editor start time

3.38ms startup time for my favorite editor.

$ vim --startuptime /dev/stdout +qall
--- Startup times for process: Primary/TUI ---

times in msec
 clock   self+sourced   self:  sourced script
 clock   elapsed:              other lines

000.000  000.000: --- NVIM STARTING ---
000.153  000.152: event init
000.440  000.287: early init
000.473  000.034: locale set
000.536  000.063: init first window
001.556  001.020: inits 1
001.576  000.019: window checked
001.582  000.006: parsing arguments
002.473  000.046  000.046: require('vim.shared')
002.578  000.055  000.055: require('vim.inspect')
002.636  000.044  000.044: require('vim._options')
002.638  000.161  000.063: require('vim._editor')
002.640  000.305  000.097: require('vim._init_packages')
002.643  000.756: init lua interpreter
003.386  000.744: --- NVIM STARTED ---

Package list

After each login the current package list is saved to arch/pkglist.txt as a backup.


A display manager (or login manager) that is displayed at the end of the boot process. It allows me to switch between different window managers like i3 and bspwm.

display manager Ly


Press Command + Q to launch the qutebrowser profile picker. This allows you to pick a profile for the browser, comparable to Firefox Containers but at process level instead of tabs.

Profiles are identified by different border colors. Here is an example of 3 browser instances each running a different profile identified by a per profile border color.

per profile border color


Tilling window manager that rocks!


A simple X hotkey daemon that maps input events to command executions.


A utility that is used to generate the status bar at the bottom of the screen.



A utility to launch apps from the i3 desktop. [command]+[d] is bound to start it.


A keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI that allows you to surf the web without a mouse.


Fasted terminal emulator in the world.


A modern shell most closely resembles Korn shell. Despite being over 20 years old it is considered new. Famous for command completion, path expansion and replacement. It is a Bash drop in replacement.


Turns the already great zsh shell into an 10x environment.


Utility to jump to directies. It records all your directory changes and lets you jump to them. For example, z code will jump to /home/pjvds/code.


How to quit this editor?


A popular zsh prompt with async support.


A commandline ncurses client for spotify. Think ncmpc but for the popular streaming service spotify. &previous;

  • Press « to skip to previous track
  • Press shift + « to seek -10 seconds
  • Press » to skip to next track
  • Press shift + » to seek +10 seconds

the silver searches

Searching tool with a focus on speed.


Utility to watch file changes.

AUR package maintainance

I'm maintaining a few dozen AUR packages for Arch Linux. A daily CRON job runs on github action to discover out dated packages.

I recently get questions on what tools I use to automate my workflow, so here is the list:

  • aurpublish to install githooks for package repostory.
  • updpkgsums to perform an in place update of the checksums.
  • nvchecker to check for new versions (config).
  • nvcmp to compare version state files from nvchecker.
  • nvtake <pkg_name> to accept the new version.

There is also a github action running that checks for new version everyday so I don't miss updates.


My daily driver is a 40% ortholiniar split keyboard that allows me to move keys towards my fingers, instead of moving my fingers to the keys. With this keyboard my fingers never travel more than a single key in any direction.


  • Typeau .40 Planck Edition (site)
  • OLKB Planck PCB Rev 6.1 (site)
  • Matt3o /dev/tty keycaps with MT3 profile (site)
  • Gateron Silent Clear (Linear | 4.0mm travel | 35g Actuation) (site)
  • Krytox 205g0 lube for the switches and stabalizers
  • TX switch films 0.125mm (site)
  • ZealPC Stabilizers v2 (site)


Press Command + Z to toggle keebsheet.

keyboard layout
