- Pastanaga theme package @jaroel, @robgietema
- Registry based controlpanels @robgietema
- Component documentation @robgietema
- Component documentation examples @VaysseB
- Folder listing view @cekk
- Prettier docs for SCA @nileshgulia1
- Comments, email notification and vocabularies reducers @robgietema
- Pastanaga theme @robgietema
- Pastanaga manage views @robgietema
- Pastanaga theme views @robgietema
- Callout styling to draftjs @robgietema
- Image, file and news item view @robgietema
- Social sharing @robgietema
- Commenting @robgietema
- Tags @robgietema
- Renew login token when almost expired @robgietema
- Cctions reducers @robgietema
- Error reporting with Sentry support on client (default ErrorBoundary), server and Redux middleware @sneridagh
- Tiles reducers @robgietema
- Context aware toolbar @robgietema
- Hamburger menu navigation on mobile @sneridagh
- Editor prototype @robgietema
- Support for null values when reseting a field value @sneridagh
- Update plone api versions / bootstrap process @thet
- Fix textwidget proptypes @cekk
- Remove phantomjs @tulikavijay
- Upgrade to node 8 @robgietema
- Switched to draft js plugins editor @robgietema
- Fix paragraph styling in draftjs @robgietema
- Fixed summary and tabular views @robgietema
- Upgrade to React 16 @sneridagh
- Upgrade to Webpack 4 @sneridagh
- Review chunks policy. Keep it in sync with Webpack 4 policy with entrypoint bundles @sneridagh
- Merged block styling to inline toolbar @robgietema
- Actions aware toolbar @sneridagh
- Fix permissions on the toolbar display menu @sneridagh