Styled wysiwyg widget @robgietema
Switch from accordion to tabs in forms @robgietema
Upgrade to Node 8.11.1 @tisto
Replace ExtractionTextCSSPlugin with the new mini-css-extract-plugin, adapt universal-webpack config @sneridagh
Removed flow @robgietema
Fix eslint prettier config @robgietema
Refactor actions and reducers to match restapi docs naming @robgietema
Fix site root api calls @robgietema
Change visual editor to use the new tiles api @robgietema
Fix bug with wrong order input @robgietema
Fix several problems in the DraftJS AnchorLink plugin @sneridagh
Replace DraftJS Toolbar plugin H1/H2 buttons for H2/H3 ones @sneridagh
Sync i18n translations @sneridagh
Fix CSS .input class scope intrusion on the project introduced by the AnchorLink plugin fork @sneridagh
Improve search reducer by adding the batching property in the search store.
Upgrade to Node 8.11.3 @sneridagh
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