Docker image with Liquibase installation.
Default behavior
By default runs a simple container with Liquibase:
docker run -it --name liquibase sequenceiq/liquibase
In the shell you can perform the usual liquibase operations.
Support for automation
Additionally the image has a set of scripts that help automating a few liquibase commands:
diff update The image comes with a preinstalled postgres jdbc driver.
Linked with a postgres database and provided with a volume, the container can be used to automatically perform diff and update operations.
docker run -it
-e CONNECTION_STRING="jdbc:postgresql://$DB_IP:5432/$DB_NAME"
The variables should be set as follows:
LIQUIBASE_CONTAINER - the name of the docker container REFERENCE_DB_CONTAINER - the docker container running a (postgres) database being the reference of the diff command CONNECTION_STRING - the connection to the target database DB_IP - the IP address of the target database DB_NAME - the target database name DB_USER - the user to the target database DB_PASS - password to the target database LIQUIBASE_INCLUSION_FILE - changelog file name in the changelogs folder, the generated diff file will be added as an include tag to it if provided LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOGS - volume on the host machine, where the generated file will be written
By running the command above , you'll get on the volume:
a new changelog file with the diff results the new changelog file included in the provided include-file update
docker run -it
--link $DB_CONTAINER:db
LIQUIBASE_CONTAINER - the name of the docker container DB_CONTAINER - the container name running the target database LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOGS - volume with the changelogs to be applied LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOG_FILE - the name of the changelog file to be applied
docker run -it
--link $DB_CONTAINER:db
-e DIFF_TYPES=data
LIQUIBASE_CONTAINER - the name of the docker container DB_CONTAINER - the container name running the target database LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOGS - volume with the changelogs to be applied LIQUIBASE_CHANGELOG_FILE - the name of the changelog file to be applied SCHEMA_NAME(optional) - which schema to run against DIFF_TYPES(optional) - which diff type to use